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☆ 92. Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

The brother and sister bickered for a while, and the tricycle stepped on the door of the store.

"Second brother is about to arrive. I haven't finished picking the vegetables yet."

He opened the door and pushed the tricycle in. The two of them turned on the lights and pulled the door down. Cheng Xiang pulled Chu Xu into the space together. This is the second time Chu Xu comes in. Before I had time to look around, a frame was stuffed into my hand. The two divided the work into groups and cleaned up the mature vegetables in the plot.

Cheng Xiang became proficient in doing it, and she could still have her mouth free to talk when picking. Chu Xu was dealing with vegetables for the first time. He was clumsy and cautious in his movements. There is nothing to dislike about Cheng Xiang. She is just starting out and is no better than Chu Xu.

Before Cheng Xiu arrived at the door of the store, the two of them packed everything and brought it all into the store. Cheng Xiang moved out the pork, beef, and chicken offal that she had bought in advance last night from the warehouse. Chu Xu sighed that she had a treasure bag here.

"The meat is bought from other planes. They have their own farms, which are produced in all spaces and have zero pollution. If the Void Spring was not too small, I would not go out to buy fish." The other one, she The energy coins on hand have been spent for Balushi and the others, and now they have zero assets.

Cheng Xiu's car arrived and it was getting dark. The chef came to visit today, and someone set off firecrackers in the evening to celebrate. The banquet had to be prepared a day in advance. The small truck had a large space inside, and it took the three of them about ten minutes to move. Cheng Xiang wanted to go back with Cheng Xiu, so he gave the key to Chu Xu to let him deal with the aftermath.

Cheng Xiu was going to pick up the wedding photos. He hurriedly hurriedly took his time, and only part of them came out today.

"I can't get married like you in the future. Getting married is like going to war. It's too tiring." "

You have to tell your man about this. See if he can afford to wait."

Topic terminator, chatting with the second brother You can chat to death at any time. It's better to shut up and avoid getting stabbed all over.

When the car arrived home, a dining tent was set up in front of the house, with red curtains and a cheerful atmosphere.

"Sister, come on, decorate the wedding room upstairs!" Cheng Ma saw Cheng Xiang and gave instructions hurriedly.

The ingredients have just arrived, and breakfast will not be served until after nine o'clock. The eldest brother had two children and did not see his sister-in-law. Cheng Xiang asked and found out that she would not be back until the afternoon. No wonder her mother is so busy alone.

Cheng Xiang ran upstairs, and Su Yao was playing balloons inside. When she saw her, she smiled and said, "Finally you are here. There are so many, I can't handle them alone!"

"Where is your child?" He put down his bag and looked around. Come on, the second brother's room has new furniture and a new bed. There is a bathroom washing machine in the compartment, and there is also an air conditioner installed in the bedroom. He really knows how to live.

"My mother is bringing it with her. She is going to stop breastfeeding!"

"Just stop breastfeeding?" Cheng Xiang tied the inflated balloons in twos and threes.

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