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☆ 58. Chapter 58font record

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Chapter 58

What should I do? Should I tell the truth? Cheng Xiang felt a little uncontrollable in her heart. But then I thought, paper can't cover up the fire. If Chu Xu's mother is biased against her because she is a vegetable seller, then she doesn't need to think about the matter with Chu Xu anymore. She is not open-minded enough to fall in love with someone and give up her own preferences, and cut her losses in time while the relationship is not deep.

Cheng Xiang's expression calmed down.

"It's my own stall." She looked at Chu's mother, her expression a little darker, with a sense of heroic desperation.

Chu Ma's movements slowed down, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth became shallower. It was obvious that she had been impacted. Cheng Xiang noticed the change in her expression, and the corners of her mouth fell down a little bit.

"This is hard work. How long have you been doing this?"

Cheng Xiang blinked. Chu's mother didn't seem to mean what she thought.

"It's been a week."

"You must be tired. Selling vegetables is even more difficult than when we opened a store."

"Fortunately, it feels very fresh."

Chu's mother smiled, "Young people have more experience and make more detours. It's a good thing to suffer a little!"

Now Cheng Xiang was sure that she was overthinking, as Chu's mother's vision was much broader than ordinary people. She felt relieved and smiled sincerely.

"What kind of food do you want, let me pick it up for you?"

"No, no, I'll do it myself. When will you be free? Come and play at home." Her son hasn't taken care of the girl yet, so as a mother, she can only take care of her son first. Be careful and make the relationship better and more familiar. To prevent this girl from being overtaken by others.

"Let's talk about it. I'll definitely come when I'm free."

Cheng Xiang didn't know what to say. With that kind of relationship, nothing seemed appropriate. So until she saw Chu's mother leaving, she just smiled.

Aunt Chu Xu and Chu's mother walked for a while and asked: "Who is that? You seem to know her very well, from our village?"

Chu's mother smiled happily, "It's not true now, I can't tell in the future."

Zhao Chunlan smelled an aura of secret joy that was about to be revealed, and couldn't help but pull Chu's mother to find out more: "Why are you still playing this trick with me?" "

Hey, I still can't tell!" Chu's mother made an expression that was torn about what she wanted to say but couldn't, but couldn't restrain her secret joy, which whetted Zhao Chunlan's appetite.

Zhao Chunlan was not blind. There was nothing she couldn't guess at this moment. She whispered in her ear, "Could she be Xu'er's girlfriend?"

Chu's mother nodded with joy.

"Why is she a vegetable seller? Xu'er is a graduate student from a prestigious university. She has a good job and a high salary. No matter how bad she is, she still has to find a decent job as an undergraduate, right?

" "She is also a college graduate." Chu's mother disagreed with her statement: " What's wrong with being a vegetable seller? Isn't it a job? I sent my two children to college and started running a stall. According to you, it's okay if you have a good intention. If you have a bad intention, you can find someone with a registered permanent residence in the city. , kidnapped my son and showed me my face every day, that's what will happen!"

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