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☆ 151. Chapter 151font record

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Chapter 151

It would take three days for the construction team to arrive. Cheng Xiang prepared the money, renewed the rent of the shop, and signed a one-year lease contract with the landlord in case they raised the price from time to time.

Cheng Xiang secretly wondered as he had not received a contact number from new student registration in the past few days. Is it possible that no one saw it? Or is it that even if they saw it, no one would be tempted?

When did her character become so bad? It really slaps her enthusiasm in the face.

"Master, please see if our moves are correct. I fought with my junior brother several times yesterday, and finally my movements are coherent."

Gong Lan came in excitedly holding a bamboo stick and asked Cheng Xiang to follow her outside.

After all, it is the foundation of a practitioner. These moves are difficult for ordinary people to remember. For them, they only need to demonstrate them a few times and they will be able to master them once they become proficient.

Cheng Xiang is no longer so repulsive to these two familiar guys. With the help of the family power, compared to bare hands, it is simply like leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, which is like a fish in water. She was determined to make good use of the resources of these two guys. They had to rely on her anyway, so she didn't need to use them in vain.

When they came outside, the two of them started gesticulating on the empty road. Chopping, chopping, picking, stabbing, hooking, and wiping all have such a flavor that they can bluff outsiders who don't know anything else.

"So-so! The lower body is unstable, the wrist is weak, and the shot is not sharp enough."

After a few simple comments, Cheng Xiang walked into the house holding the black cat.

Chu Xu would not be able to come back for a few days until the weekend, and the eight master and apprentice groups who went to Wangjiacun found something new to do. Cheng Xiang asked the village craftsmen to hammer the plum blossom stakes, and these guys ran to help and gave instructions. Hanging sandbags and nailing wooden mannequins, building ladders, setting up slings, and building an open-air training ground for sparring. These people were completely devoted to it, and they were even more attentive than her upright master.

After taking a look at the trees planted in the space, she started to buy seedlings and transplant them after negotiating with the engineering team. These days, she used black soil to speed up the process and poured a lot of fruit juice. They are barely thick enough to fit into the mouth of a large bowl. It will take a few days before they are suitable for use.

I tapped my fingers on the table. After working hard for so long, I found that the territory was still too small. Hundreds of logs are not a handful. She can only produce more than ten logs in one batch, unless they are all purchased from other planes. Cheng Xiang made an economic calculation and found that wood is not cheap in any plane. After all, the growth cycle of this thing is too long. And she really had no better choice. In the end, she still had to earn energy coins. It’s too hard to be self-sufficient.

Cheng Xiang from the Earth Plane: Hello, Wen Jiani! I have something to ask for your help with.

Wen Jiani of Tula plane: Hello, Cheng Xiang! May I ask what is troubling you? I'd be happy to lend a hand.

Wenjieni is the female lord of the Tula plane and has her own team of knights and fief. She is one of the few outstanding female representatives who did well in the Western plane in the Middle Ages, and she is about the same age as Cheng Xiang. The two had business contacts and met.

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