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☆ 56. Chapter 56 first updatefont record

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During the first update of Chapter 56

, while eating, Cheng Xiang and Xiang Xiaoan talked about her recent live broadcast income.

"On the first day, it was more than six yuan, and on the second day, it was more than a hundred yuan, which was the time you gave me a reward. Later, more people came to my live broadcast room, and now it basically fluctuates around fifty yuan. I participated We held a K-song symphony event, and the names were announced, and it only lasted for more than five minutes."

"Not bad, what is the average number of viewers in the live broadcast room now?"

"It was more than 4,000 at the beginning, and 10,000 by the end of the broadcast. More than two thousand."

Cheng Xiang pondered for a moment, excluding the false data on the website, Xiang Xiaoan's real audience data should be less than a thousand. The amount of rewards given by these 1,000 people is actually not up to standard according to the standards.

"What day is the event?"

"It's the night after tomorrow!"

Cheng Xiang calculated the day, "Isn't the day after tomorrow Saturday?"

"Yes, the general activities are on holidays."

But on this day she had to go home to help, I should be free in the evening!

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with An An's live broadcast?" Dad Xiang listened anxiously.

"No. It's just that I had something to do that day." Cheng Xiang knew what Dad Xiang was worried about. The two of them lost their jobs, and Dad seemed to have lost his iron rice bowl and even his retirement salary. All financial resources must be earned from Xiang Xiaoan's live broadcast, and she understands this anxious mood. "Xiao An works hard, and many novice anchors can't achieve results like hers. Uncle, don't worry, from the end of this month to next month, Xiao An's income will definitely double what it is now." "Look,

Dad, I just told you to stabilize your mentality. I can also make your daughter unable to eat!"

Xiang Xiaoan felt that he had found his backbone when Cheng Xiang affirmed him so much.

"Your dad and I know how to teach, and nothing else besides teaching. I really regret now why I didn't learn more crafts when I had time."

Dad Xiang said with emotion, and the atmosphere in the room became depressing again. Xiang Xiaoan's chopsticks There was no movement, Cheng Xiang didn't know why. But something else came to mind.

"Uncle, you should have learned computers in school, right? Does Auntie know how to use WeChat?"

The two of them were surprised and looked at her together. Instead, she asked Xiao An to get to know her, and asked impatiently: "Do you have any good ideas?" With a

mysterious smile, Cheng Xiang put down her chopsticks and talked about her ideas.

"Well, I was originally planning to open an online store. But I still have things to do during the day, and sometimes I have other things to do at night, so I was wondering if my uncle, who can type, could help me sell things online. Just tea, honey, etc. The first two A monthly guarantee of 2,000 is given, and if the sales are good, commission will be based on performance. Of course, my uncle is old and his eyesight is not very good. You can also hire someone to do it and earn the difference."

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