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☆ 186. Chapter 186 Finale 2font record

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Chapter 186 Finale 2

Elsewhere, after receiving the message, Chu Xu got on the train. When they arrived at Yuan's house, Mr. Yuan and Mrs. Yuan were not there. There was only a young man in his mid-twenties who looked like their only son.

Yuan Mang pressed his cell phone angrily, shouting: "Kill him, kill him, where are you going to hit him? Do you know how to play? This skill is too stinky!"

He finally convinced himself to work in the company. , but within two hours he was scolded by his old man. Playing a game and encountering this kind of rubbish teammate made Yuan Mang so angry that his cell phone exploded.

"You should switch to the middle and intercept the opponent's supply line from here."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't use this kind of equipment as a forward, the money I invested in supporting it will be wasted!" After

pressing his fingers, Yuan Mang suddenly raised his head and said I remembered that he was the only one at home, so who was talking to him?

Chu Xu raised his hand to say hello, but Yuan Mang's legs slipped and he sat on the ground.

"You, you, you...who are you?" It was so damn broad daylight that Yuan Mang blinked hard.

"I'm here to see your parents." Chu Xu tried to look harmless.

"My parents, they're not here!" Yuanman half-propped himself up and shouted loudly in response: "How did you get in! Damn it, let me tell you, I'm a gangster on the road, you'd better Don't act rashly!"

Chu Xu looked down, looking directly at his numb legs that were about to tremble into a stroke in old age.

"Please contact your parents, Mrs. Yuan asked us to rescue her brother half a year ago, but we didn't agree for various reasons. You can ask Mrs. Yuan."

Chu Xuliang revealed the purpose of his visit, "The purpose of taking the initiative to petition is just for This matter."

"Can you save my uncle, you...doctor?" Yuan Mang was still evaluating the credibility of Chu Xu's words in his mind.

"It's hard to explain this matter. If you don't believe it, you can turn on the phone hands-free."

In fact, if he really had evil intentions, Yuan Mang would die eight hundred times. Fortunately, this kid is not that pushy.

Mrs. Yuan accompanied Mr. Yuan to a business party. When she received a call from her son, she subconsciously criticized her: "Your father just said a few words to you and you ran away. If everyone is like you, why are you still not allowed to open the skylight every day in the company?"

" Yes, yes, I am useless and I am not good. Anyway, in your eyes, my dad is good at everything, so whatever I do is a waste of resources. I am not looking for you, but a person who claims to be able to cure his uncle."

Yuan Meng He handed the phone to Chu Xu, went back to the sofa with a sullen expression, took the remote control and pressed it on the TV.

"Hello, Mrs. Yuan. Let me introduce myself. I am the husband of Cheng Xiang, a former coriander shop in xx County, xx Province. My name is Chu Xu. You visited nearly a year ago. Do you still have any impressions?"

Mrs. Yuan At first, I thought it was a scammer my son had met somewhere, but after hearing the detailed introduction, I immediately became concerned.

"Yes, yes, I seem to have seen it a few times from a distance. Are you at my house?" "

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