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☆ 69. Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

Shi Luo was so frightened by the girl's voice that all the hair on his body stood up. When he saw her approaching, he turned his head and jumped off the building, quickly flying around to the roof through the cover of the house.

The girl was anxious, fearing that it would fall to death. She ran over and looked around on tiptoe, but she did not see the bloody scene, and the strange animal disappeared.

"Where are you? Have you left?" she called softly.

When Shi Luo heard the sound, he stretched his neck and looked down. Just as someone in the community was coming this way, he immediately retracted his body and hid it.

Shi Luo waited for a while and probed. The person left, and the little girl was no longer on the balcony. He rolled his big eyes and saw that the bouquet of flowers was no longer there. He flapped his wings in a good mood and sneaked back to his parents' place.


Meeting Lilami's accusing look with arms akimbo, Shiluo held his head in his hands and rubbed his paws together. "Ah? I was just walking around upstairs."

"I saw you coming from the rooftop next door." Baruch used the remote control to change the channel while exposing the idiot's lie.

"This world is very interesting!" Seeing that he couldn't be fooled, Shi Luo could only laugh and ramble on. "I don't want to stay in the house all day long."

"If you don't want to stay, just bear with it!"

Shi Luo was scolded so much that he didn't dare to speak anymore, with tears of grievance in his big eyes.

Balushi sighed after seeing this: "Don't blame him, he is just a child. When I was a child, I did far worse things than what he did."

Lilami put her hands on her hips and looked at Balushi in her eyes. condemnation. But it only took a moment before Lilami softened her voice: "Shuluo, you can go out if you want, but you must tell us. No matter what you do, in this world, only Baruch and I are your relatives. . You have to think about it, the mission time is coming soon. An accident may very well cause us to separate the two worlds. We will live a life without wings and be chased by people every day. If we are captured by scientists... Shi Luo, I dont want things to happen. It developed like that."

Shi Luo was told that he lowered his head and admitted his mistake, hugging Lilami and sobbing softly. "I was wrong. I will never do this again for the rest of my life here. I love you!"

Lilami and Baruch felt soft-hearted and restrained their children's nature, which made them feel very guilty. .

"Let's go out and play as usual tomorrow, shall we?"

Lilami's change of attitude made Baruch very happy. Such a family is the best ideal picture.

The villa next door was not peaceful. The young mother noticed the extra flowers in her child's room and asked her daughter where they came from.

The little girl didn't know how to lie, so she said with all the words she could use: "A big bird that is taller than me gave it to me."

"Bird?" Her mother didn't believe it at first, "How could there be such a big bird? Have you read too many fairy tales?"

"It's a really big bird. It also has a pair of glowing eyes, as big as a big plum sold in the market." "

I think you are confused." The young mother took the flower in her hand and looked at it. She found that it was a real flower and it looked very unique. She didn't know what kind of flower it was.

✓The subversive life of a plane farmerWhere stories live. Discover now