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☆ 44. Chapter 44font record

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Chapter 44

"I know from what you say that you don't understand this industry. Renting a stall costs 10,000 yuan a year. It's relatively expensive for me, with an average of more than 800 a month. My daily gross income is 400, and I am If you reduce your expenses by 100 yuan a day, you can still earn 9,000 yuan a month. After deducting the stall fee, the net income is more than 8,000 yuan."

"So many?" Su Yao had never seen it with her own eyes, and said to Cheng Xiang Do not believe. "You're not saying that just to convince us, are you?"

Cheng Xiang was so depressed that she only held her forehead.

"Do I need it? To tell you the truth, the total amount I sell every day is close to 900. This is only my second day of doing it, and I didn't go there for the second half of the day. After deducting costs and other things, I said 300 is still less. Forget it if you don’t believe it, no matter what others say, it can’t change my decision.”

She wanted to get angry if she continued talking. She knew that the reason for her anger had nothing to do with how much money she earned. She just wanted to do something she wanted to do, and she didn’t Need approval from others. But being looked down upon by her relatives for her chosen career left her feeling somewhat disappointed.

"Okay, okay, okay. I can't tell you, but you are still young. Will your in-laws accept you as a vegetable seller in the future? Don't call me snobbish. When this person is involved in big things, he will not care about the smallest things. Can be magnified."

Cheng Xiang curled her lips and became irritated and confused, "I married for love, not for work? We don't have this choice, how can we live together? What's wrong with the vegetable seller? I don't Whether you steal or not, you have to eat with your own hands. Counting three generations back, there is no one who didn't dig their food in the ground."

Her argument made Su Yao speechless. Everyone knew the truth, but who really dared to do that? How many people practice stress?

After being quiet for a while, Su Yao sighed: "It will be difficult for you to walk like this in the future." Her temper is too strong.

"Those who have always been able to make the impossible possible are the originators!"

That little setback is nothing. The people she wants will either stay with her until the end, or they will break up. She didn't want another four years of humiliating herself and achieving success for others.

Su Yao couldn't change Cheng Xiang's point of view, and of course she couldn't agree with Cheng Xiang's idea. When the two couldn't talk together, they had nothing to say and hung up the phone.

Sometimes Cheng Xiang feels that she just wants to be a low-key and unobtrusive little transparent person, but while she is peaceful and peaceful, there are always things that prevent her from continuing on this path. How can I reduce the blocking sound to zero? When she was a supervisor, she seemed to be in the state that others wanted. Unfortunately, as she endured it, she felt more and more shackles were tied around her body. She wanted to throw away her restraints, that desire to say something, to spread her wings and fly just for herself, she wanted it so much.

So she also saw clearly that simple ideals also require a strong self.

After taking two deep breaths, Cheng Xiang opened the missed calls on her phone. When she saw Cheng's mother, her brows furrowed again.

The connection rang twice.

"Sister, what are you busy with? I haven't been able to get through to your phone." "

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