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☆ 178. Chapter 178 Cursefont record

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Chapter 178 Curse

"People nowadays pay attention to health preservation. A village with the name of Xianyuan Village must have a special skill." Cheng Xiang sold it out again.

Wang Jiaji said: "We still need to learn. The workshop alone is enough for us, plus other things, it is not enough for the whole village."

Money is attractive, but can the body bear it? You have to discuss how much you can eat with your stomach.

"No one stipulates that we have to do these things ourselves."

The three of them were stunned for a moment, but found that they couldn't keep up with Cheng Xiang's rhythm.

If you don’t do it yourself, does that mean you can hire people from other villages? Will those people learn the technology, then imitate it, and create another Xianyuan Village No. 2?

Cheng Xiang said with a smile: "Our craftsmanship is open to the public. As long as someone is willing to imitate it, then just imitate it." If she can preserve the traditional craftsmanship, will she still be afraid of others learning from it?

She spoke so confidently that no one could figure out what medicine she was selling in her gourd.

"You haven't said what's wrong with us yet?" Huang Shuxiang urged, why did she go off topic again!

"You can't do this. I have to invite people from outside to come. You will know when my farm is built."

Cheng Xiang showed his white teeth, which whetted the appetite of several people, but refused to talk any more. .

This rogue behavior immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction among the three of them, and they were even more impressed by the bad nature of her words.

Go up to the second floor to find Chu Xu and ask him if there is anything special he wants to eat at night. The door opened, and several wind shadows blew away in succession.

The Walking Dead was playing on the TV, and Chu Xuren was at the computer by the window, staring at the scrolling code on it without blinking.

Cheng Xiang took two steps in, and a few leaves poked out from under the sand, behind the pillow, and from the side of the cabinet.

One of them boldly jumped out and said "chirp", and the others all jumped out and sat in rows one, two, three, four, five and six in the middle of the sand. Occasionally, he would whisper to the people around him, as if he were exchanging thoughts. Cheng Xiang was surprised to see the zombies opening their mouths in the picture. Several small ones "chirped" and rolled up the leaves together, as if they were frightened and held their eyes in front of them, not daring to look.

If this were not her home, she would suspect that she had entered a movie theater in the plant world.

Suddenly, the handsome man who had been doing his job safely suddenly jumped up, and thick smoke billowed out from the screen, with a hole as big as a fist appearing.

Cheng Xiang didn't look at the reaction of the row of plants. Chu Xu's expression changed drastically, which scared her to death.

His hands twisted unnaturally, his eyes were horrified, and as he breathed rapidly, a dark pattern shaped like a black butterfly wing emerged from between his eyebrows.


Although she had never seen it before, Cheng Xiang was familiar with the form of dark patterns. It is clear that this is a spell similar to a contract.

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