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☆ 133. Chapter 133font record

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Chapter 133

"Where did you get the medicine? Can the doctor you find be better than the one in the provincial hospital?"

Cheng Xiu subconsciously resisted, thinking that Cheng Xiang was looking for a barefoot Chinese medicine doctor. He actually believed it and ordered the Western medicine prescribed in the hospital to be stopped. It was really messy. Who is responsible if something goes wrong?

"Second brother, you believe me, I guarantee that these are more effective than the medicine you got at the provincial hospital. Dad is like this anyway, no matter how bad the side effects are, it will be much less harmful to him than losing the ability to move. No matter how bad it is, Let's try it for half a month first. If there is no effect for half a month, you can change it again."

Cheng Xiu listened to her explanations one by one, lowered his head slightly, and looked into Cheng Xiang's eyes.

"Honestly, why did you and Chu Xu stop Huo Xun last time? His tire burst was too special and too coincidental. You don't want to explain it?"

Cheng Xiang smiled dryly against Cheng Xiu's penetrating gaze. .

"Otherwise, your sister and I have super powers. If we pray in our hearts for a flat tire, it will burst. He is such a good character, I am also surprised!"

Cheng Xiuneng believed that there was something wrong with this cunning and unscrupulous appearance.

"Ha, just keep it a secret for the rest of your life!"

Cheng Xiu glanced at her and ignored the medicine she had obtained.

Cheng Xiang made faces behind him.

It’s not easy to tell the truth these days.

The uncle of the house is doing it, and the family's accounts have been detailed. Each family will get 50,000 first, and any excess will be refunded. There was not much delay in this matter. Cheng Xiang called his two brothers together and transferred the money to Cheng's father's account regardless of the two sisters-in-law. Except for Cheng Xiu's delay for two days, everything went smoothly.

The only worry in Dad Cheng's heart was that he couldn't move his legs.

"What are you doing with so many medicines? The treatment is in vain and it costs money!"

"Dad, what nonsense are you talking about? How can the treatment be in vain? Now that medicine is so advanced, you have to have confidence in the future."

Cheng Xiang used the newly learned massage therapy techniques to massage Dad Cheng's leg muscles up and down. She demonstrated it to her two brothers again. When she was not at home, they took turns doing it. Cheng's mother is also going to school. She wants to take care of her husband by herself when she is better, and strive not to cause trouble to the children.

As for the sister-in-law, she sent her children back to school and went to work non-stop when Cheng Jing came back. Cheng Xiang didn't know how to view her sister-in-law, whether she was career-oriented or had a cold temperament. But she herself couldn't always keep an eye on Father Cheng at home. Someone else's foreign daughter-in-law would definitely be even less affectionate, so she couldn't comment on this matter. She could only think in her heart that if the same thing happened to her, she would probably resign and take care of her children at home, leaving her man to work hard outside.

Father Cheng's medicine was for internal and external use. He told Mother Cheng how to boil the medicine and how to bake it and apply it. Cheng Xiang returned to the county town the next day, and the young couple and Mrs. Yuan took the medicine together as they had agreed. Even Gonglan was picking at the vegetable shop.

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