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☆ 184. Chapter 184 Asking for helpfont record

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Chapter 184: Call for help

The car was speeding on the highway, and Cheng Xiang and Xiao Ao followed it all the way. After getting off the highway, everyone and the cat became wary.

[How is it? Did you feel it? ] Cheng Xiang noticed something unusual because of Xiao Ao's subtle change in state.

[A little blurry. ]

Cheng Xiang took out two breath-condensing charms. They could detect other people's spiritual energy fluctuations, and of course others could detect them. The breath-holding charm can hide all the breath on their bodies, including aura, smell, temperature, etc. The effect is great and the timeliness is shorter.

The car drove into the city, and Chu Xu in the car suddenly tensed up.

"This road is wrong!"

"What's wrong? Do you know the way?" The policeman driving the car turned around and cursed.

Han Feng: "The road is being built ahead, and we need to make a detour in the past."

Chu Xu glanced at Han Feng a few more times, pursed his lips and said nothing. He knew in his heart that even if he had to make a detour, there was another closer plan. But he was in no mood to argue with him. From the moment he decided to take this trip with them, the direction of the journey was no longer within his control.

[Why didn’t you take the right path? ] Cheng Xiang, who was waiting a few steps ahead, didn't wait for the car, so he went back to look for it, only to find that they had turned onto another road.

There was an intersection ahead, and the car suddenly turned and chose a more remote road out of the city.

"Who are you?" This is the case. Whether you are pretending or not, everyone knows it. Chu Xu didn't play riddles with them and asked them directly.

Han Feng smiled coldly, "The people who are here to help you."

"Help me, are you the only ones?" If you don't want to attack them, it's a bit ridiculous for ordinary people to want to protect cultivators.

"You have no choice."

Chu Xu suddenly smiled, moved his hand, and took off the cuffs easily. "Now can we talk about it? What is your relationship with Yinmen? Why did you give such an order?"

A police officer in the front seat drew his gun, and Han Feng shouted. "Who told you to act without my order?"

Chu Xu's eyes suddenly narrowed, "You have no time!"

Before the people in the car understood, several people appeared in the middle of the road ahead.

"No, someone is hijacking the car!"

The police officer's eyes trembled, and he tried to turn the steering wheel back. There was a "squeak" sound from behind, and the road was blocked by the car coming from behind.

Car doors opened one after another, and a group of people each held a gun and surrounded the vehicle.

"Protect the suspect!"

Han Feng lowered the window glass, drew his gun, and frowned. There were too many opponents, and he had no chance of winning this battle.

"You are being taken advantage of."

Chu Xu never stopped brainstorming. It took less than three hours from getting on the highway to turning onto this road. The task Han Feng received should have been planned from the beginning, otherwise these people's vehicles would not have arrived so accurately and on time. Unless there is a traitor among them, but he himself prefers that the person who gave this plan in the first place had bad intentions. To set up an ambush for him through a series of murders, they needed to be well-known, and the person behind it would not have a low status.

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