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☆ 154. Chapter 154font record

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Chapter 154

After walking around for a while, she came back with a baby. Cheng Xiang’s explanation was still that she was from a friend’s house to help take care of it.

I had repeatedly told Xiaoqiu beforehand that when I became a human being, I had to learn to act like a human being and not be weird. If she was exposed, she had also educated her on the seriousness of the consequences. If she had to commit suicide and become a wanted monster or be subjected to experimental anatomy, she would not stop her.

Ouyang Sheng likes children very much. He is an old bachelor himself and wants to take care of children. But all his apprentices are monkeys. No little girl looks painful.

Xiaoqiu rolled in Cheng Xiang's hand and was taken out to play by Ouyang Sheng.

Cheng Xiang happened to have time to contact Xiang Xiaoan.

"I saw the news over there. Is it a big impact?"

"It's nothing. I can solve it myself. And I have never sold single characters at all. Things on the Internet can only become darker and darker. Fortunately, Erbao was there in time." At that time, the company considered my situation and adjusted the duration of the live broadcast for me."

At the beginning, I was so repulsive, but now I am still proud of it.

"It's okay to hide it yourself. Internet violence should not be taken lightly, not to mention that you still have one in your belly."

"Okay, not many people know me. Maybe there will be hope when I become a billionaire." "

Then you Where are the ex-husband and the candy bag?"

"That's it. He went to the kindergarten to block the candy bag the day before yesterday. He is the child's father. I can't keep them from seeing each other."

Xiang Xiaoan's voice deepened, and Cheng Xiang could sense her unhappiness. .

The candy bag is still so small that it is impossible to tell right from wrong. If the three views are affected, you can imagine what a big mess will be left to Xiang Xiaoan.

"Huo Xun, I didn't give you any advice."

"This is my business, how could he do it!"

"But now you are arguing that the custody of Sugar Bao is in your two names." How could it not be closed? Regarding Huo Xun, two people who formed a family could not avoid this problem.

Cheng Xiang hoped that Xiang Xiaoan could face this problem. Her ex-husband did not come to see the child with good intentions.

"I don't know, it's so annoying!"

"If you can't make up your mind, send me the sugar bag, and I will accept the sugar bag as my apprentice. As long as you are willing, I will definitely not teach him wrong." "

...Xiang Xiang, are you going crazy about your apprentice!" shouted Xiang Xiaoan.

"Yeah, I think I'm a little crazy." Cheng Xiang hung up the phone, feeling angry. He kindly thought of her and said she was crazy, but just pretended that she didn't know this person.

Dragging the number into reject-answer mode, Cheng Xiang threw away the phone and puffed up her face in frustration.

Chu Xu came to see her and watched her roughly wring out the clothes from the dirty water and throw them into the washing machine.

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