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☆ 180. Chapter 180 The boss is powerfulfont record

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Chapter 180: The boss is so powerful

that he asks her to make liquor. I’m sorry, but she won’t make anything she doesn’t want to eat.

The banquet started at five o'clock in the evening, and dishes from the kitchen were brought to the table one after another. Everyone exchanged glasses and had a good time eating and chatting.

Cheng Xiang brought the food to Lin Yuan who locked himself in the bedroom upstairs and refused to show his face.

"Can I come in?" She knocked, but there was no reply.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence."

Cheng Xiang pushed the door open, and the boy's little body sat beside the bed, dumbfounded. When Cheng Xiang came in, he took a look, but ignored it and turned his eyes away from the window.

"Did I disturb you? We don't usually do this. We had a banquet at our house today and we dispersed after a while."

Cheng Xiang put down the food and raised her hand to touch his head, but she retracted her hand when he stared at him with repulsive eyes.

With a smile, Cheng Xiang warned: "Eat the food, don't let your father come back to see a hungry and skinny kid."

Seeing him fluttering his eyelashes, Cheng Xiang pretended not to show up and walked out quietly. Outside the door, Chu Xu was found coming up.

"I'll bring him some juice. He might not be used to drinking milk."

"Give me this cup. I've thought of what you're thinking of. Don't you want to talk to me about it?" She tilted her head.

Cheng Xuzheng had this intention, and the two came to their room.

"It's a long story. This child is a bit abnormal in that world."

"He... can't practice?" Cheng Xiang thought quickly after being prompted by this sentence.

"Yes, this is equivalent to original sin in their world. Most people can practice, but ordinary mortals are rare. They have to be sent down to the lower world to avoid staining their blood."

Cheng Xiang understood the survival of that world . Rules, "But the lower world is the lower world. Why did Master Guanqiu send his child here?"

"The lower world has the rules of the lower world. Master Guanqiu came out of the lower world before practicing Taoism. His parents were from the cultivation sect. A strong man, his father was framed and soul-refined and became a drought demon in the hands of a ghost slave. His mother died tragically in the hands of his father who became a drought demon to save him. The leader of the sect died in the hands of a drought demon. No one tolerated him. He saw it with his own eyes. After witnessing his biological father being dismembered and reduced to ashes, the master changed his character and stole the treasures from his door and fled to the lower world. He was protected by his wife's family and was able to survive. His lifelong wish is to practice to become a powerful man and find a ghost slave to take revenge."

"Master's wife loves him and hopes that he will He was able to stay. At that time, the master could not tolerate love in his eyes, so he changed his name and surname to become a master, and searched for the whereabouts of the ghost slaves. The master's enemies found the village where the master's wife was, and the whole village was massacred. Because she missed her master, she went to the valley where he often went to avoid the disaster. During her escape, she accidentally acquired the plane system." "

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