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☆ 54. Chapter 54font record

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Chapter 54

"Whose food is this? Why is it here with me?"

She was busy in the morning, and no one answered her question. I don't know whether she really didn't hear him or didn't want to answer. Cheng Xiang was holding his breath, and a burst of fire rushed to his head. He immediately stopped talking and took the things off the stall with both hands and moved his own frame up. When she put all the frames on the stall, she went back to lock the tricycle, and when she came back, the frames on the ground were gone.

There was no place to spread the fire. Cheng Xiang looked around, but no one paid attention to her. She didn't know who did it for a moment.

"Sister, you came out of the stall today!" An older sister squeezed her way in. "I didn't see you yesterday morning." "I had

something to do and I didn't come yesterday."

"Well, you still have peanuts here! How much is a pound?"

Cheng There isn't much sun on the fragrant balcony, so the total I brought here today is only twenty pounds.

"3 yuan and 5 yuan per catty."

"So expensive? Others only sell it for three yuan." The eldest sister shook her hand and took it back.

"You don't know, my peanuts are expensive for their own reasons." Cheng Xiang is not afraid of her being picky about whether she likes it or not. Anyway, she doesn't have to worry about local consumption of her things. At worst, she sells the transaction interface, and there are more people. want.

"You're just talking nonsense. Peanuts can also grow into ginseng fruits!"

Cheng Xiang smiled: "They can't grow into ginseng fruits, but at least there are no chemical pesticide residues. The land where peanuts are grown is newly opened, and the things grown there are It restores the most primitive innocence. What's wrong with being more expensive?"

The eldest sister teased her, "You young people just like to do these weird things. There are so many tricks in food." She

didn't buy any more. Sister Cai popularized knowledge about green health, and a few familiar faces came to buy groceries.

"Girl, how come your stall was occupied by someone else yesterday? I thought it was your family at first, but when I bought the food and ate it, it didn't taste right. I saw you again today, and I have to tell you. You can't fool people with bad food!"

Cheng Xiang's eyes changed, and he approached the aunt and asked in a low voice: "I didn't leave the stall yesterday and I didn't give it to anyone else. Who occupied my place? Auntie, can you see if that person is there? "

The aunt's eyes flashed and she understood in her heart that others had taken advantage of this girl.

The aunt searched for it and finally shook her head. "You should pay more attention to this matter. I didn't see anyone. It must have been done by an acquaintance. I'll tell you next time I see

it." "Thank you! If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known about it."

Cheng Xiang told Auntie I was given a pound of vegetables, and my heart was filled with unknown fire.

It's as disgusting as if your house was taken over by someone else after it was repaired. She didn't even say a word after taking advantage of it. She was so angry that she didn't know who to turn to. And the culprit is hiding somewhere and laughing. She has to go to the city tomorrow and this matter cannot be finished.

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