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☆ 48. Chapter 48font record

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Chapter 48

"We can use the invisibility cloak!"

"Crack!" The key in Chu Xu's hand made a sound as it hit the door.

Everyone in the room trembled. Cheng Xiang panicked, and Chu Xu outside the door was also frightened. It's just that his concentration was pretty good. After realizing that he had heard the door corner, he immediately picked up the key and knocked on the door.

The three members of the Gransta family opened their eyes in horror, and their bodies reflexively ran around faster than Cheng Xiang to find corners to hide themselves. In the middle of the journey, Balushi almost knocked Shi Luo down. Cheng Xiang's heartbeat was in her throat, but she couldn't say anything. In fact, it was safest for them to hide in the space. However, they moved too fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye. She could only open the door nervously.

Chu Xu heard the movement inside, his thick eyebrows furrowed, and he reached out and knocked on the door again.

Cheng Xiang's hair was so nervous that it stood on end. She walked over step by step and looked out of the peephole. It was too dark and the other party was standing very close, so only a light-colored shirt could be seen.

Could it be that the people doing the census are here again?

She frowned, feeling uneasy. After silently reciting "Bodhisattva's blessing" twice, he put his hand on the door handle and pressed it hard.

The door is open.

Chu Xu's hand was stretched out in the air but he hadn't taken it back yet. The two of them looked at each other inside and outside the door.

Cheng Xiang's frozen expression was a little broken. She never expected that the person who appeared outside the door would be him.

"You...are back!" Even she herself could hear the unnaturalness in her voice.

Chu Xu stood still and looked at her with calm eyes, which made Cheng Xiang's heart tremble. Suddenly I felt like I was caught having an affair.

"Actually, I was watching TV just now..."

The dim light in Chu Xu's eyes fluctuated.

"I'm so happy to see you here!" Chu Xu reached out and grabbed her wrist, Chu Xu smiled softly, as if the rain that had just brewed was an illusion.

After being pulled by his wrist into the living room, Cheng Xiang's sharp eyes saw a bunch of bird feathers behind the curtains. She grabbed Chu Xu's wrist to prevent him from looking over.

"Do you want to know why I came here?"

Chu Xu tilted his head and stared at her: "Why?"

"Because there is your breath here!"

After speaking, Cheng Xiang swallowed his tongue. I stared in confusion, but I still pretended to be sincere and not lying at all.

Chu Xu really wanted to tell her that her concentration would not be concentrated when she lied. There was also the noise in the room just now. He was not deaf, so how could he not hear it?

"Do you like me?" It was too easy to expose her, so Chu Xu deliberately followed her lead.

Can you say no in this situation?

Cheng Xiang: "Yes, yes!"

"Then kiss me and see how much I like it?" He circled her, his eyes as bright as two balls of fire.

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