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☆ 79. Chapter 79

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Chapter 79 Cheng Xiang woke up and saw no one on the bed. She slid out of bed and opened the bedroom door, only to see a man sitting cross-legged on the pillow, typing on the computer keyboard. The black cat stretched out its furry paws and fleshy pads, squatting next to it, and followed his fingers with small movements of its head very attentively. I dont know what Im studying.

I poured myself a glass of water. My throat was dry and uncomfortable, so I drank some water to lubricate it. Cheng Xiang walked to the sofa behind him and sat down, putting the water in his hand after drinking too much water.

Chu Xu stopped his fingers, drank from it, and put the empty cup back.

"Are you hungry?" He turned around and asked.

"Eat you!" Listening to his hoarse voice, Cheng Xiangxiang was stunned. He jumped on his back and bit him as soon as he caught him.

Chu Xu let her bite him with an expression of great enjoyment. Cheng Xiang's teeth were itching, so he grabbed an apple in the fruit plate and gnawed it. Venting his anger, he stepped on his back with his foot.

The two were making a fuss and rolled into each other.

"I typed my resignation letter and asked someone to copy it and send it in." With the tip of his nose pressed against his, Chu Xu made a decision that Cheng Xiang was not particularly surprised by. Since he skipped work today, it showed that he was ready to break up.

"It should take a long time to get the approval, right?" Moreover, his position is relatively important, and handover and recruitment of suitable people are a time-consuming and labor-intensive process.

"No, I have stated in the contract with my boss that the working time limit is more than three years, and I can leave whenever I want." Unfortunately, he has worked in the company for more than four years. He had nothing to feel sorry for the company. If something like that happened, he wouldn't even be in the mood to go back and pack his things.

"Are you free now?"

Chu Xu said amusedly, "I have always been free, but I didn't have any fun other than work before."

Cheng Xiang nodded in understanding, "Then I can take you back tomorrow Home?"

Chu Xu smiled even more, stretched out his hand and scratched her nose, his eyes so gentle that they could drip.

"Congratulations on becoming my male favorite. I guarantee that your life will be windy and rainy in the future!" Holding him in his arms, Cheng Xiang thought of countless plans in his mind. Anyway, the three people in Glansta looked no different from normal people, so why not simply pull them from the dark into the light. They can't stay for more than a few days, and they can only be fooled for a while.

The two had a simple dinner, Cheng Xiang packed up, and Chu Xu called Chu Ying to arrange check-out and other miscellaneous follow-up issues. While processing the backlog of unprocessed electronic documents in the company.

Qi Ruiyang originally wanted to come over to investigate the situation, but because the company was missing a major force, the entire department was left to work overtime at night.

Jiang Meizhou called several times, urging Chu Xu not to leave, and was willing to give him a salary increase, increase commissions, and even talk about splitting shares. Chu Xu declined because he felt unwell and wanted to go home to recuperate and spend time with his family. In fact, both of them knew what the real situation was. It's just that Jiang Meizhou didn't expect that his reaction would be so violent.

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