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☆ 99. Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

"It's okay, as long as she can earn 5 million yuan, I have no pressure!"

Cheng Xiang spread her hands and said generously, in fact, this is not a big deal.

"Cunning!" Her

beautiful eyes with false eyelashes winked charmingly.

From a small farm, with all the effort, to be able to make a million a year is proof of outstanding ability. 5 million, without even thinking about it.

The red lips held the temples of her glasses, and she said arrogantly but still aware of current affairs: "Then 150,000, you are the only one I can get from selling my body." Even if you

get a bargain, you still have to behave well. Cheng Xiang is not as generous as she is poor.

After getting a strong man, all the problems of applying for the project are handed over, and Cheng Xiang can just stay in the store comfortably.

During this period, Su Yao got a call, meaning that she would come to pick up her stall in the vegetable market tomorrow. But she has no place to live now. I asked her where to rent a house that is not expensive.

Cheng Xiang had paid attention to this area when she was looking at the shop, but she had not paid attention to the news about renting out the apartments. She was helpless and asked her to check online.

In the morning, I have been doing business and delivering express delivery. Two lazy people, Xiang Xiaoan and Yang Zhen, also carried a mobile phone to help.

"Dear, my boyfriend was here yesterday, and I didn't even dare to call you that in front of him." Holding the mobile phone and rubbing it next to Cheng Xiang, who was busy, Xiang Xiaoan used every opportunity to talk to Cheng Xiang.

"This top video invites me to be their anchor. Do you think I'll sign?"

After weighing the dishes, Cheng Xiang turned his head and said, "Ask Yang Zhen to be your consultant on this matter. She's better than me." Money and business interests are more acute."

Cheng Xiang likes the feeling of making money, while Yang Zhen is almost born for money. You can use the word money-hungry girl to describe her. Wherever there is money, there is her presence. If she hadn't suffered such a big loss in the past, she would have made rapid progress into the rich circle.

A figure flashed through the door, and Cheng Xiang saw a familiar face.

Ms. Huang walked into the store pushing a stroller and dressed in street style. He was shocked when he saw Cheng Xiang.

"Xiao Cheng, do you work here?" The expression on her face was just right at the right time.

Cheng Xiang smiled and did not deny it. He was busy with his hands, one did not want to respond, and the other two mouths were too busy. From time to time, I give people a head of garlic, a piece of ginger, etc., but I really dont have time.

Her shop has a lot of repeat customers, and there is no vegetable market here. Residents living nearby buy food from mobile vendors, and most of them go to expensive chain supermarkets. Therefore, as soon as she appeared here, the surrounding residents who noticed her all rushed over here. Even if the prices of the food in this store are not lower than those in the supermarket, they are still willing to spend money to save a few steps.

"Xiao Cheng, aren't the dishes in your shop a bit expensive?"

Cheng Xiang pointed to the wall, intending for her to read the roll-up slogans outside the door.

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