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☆ 9. Chapter 9font record

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Chapter 9

After watching Chu Xu leave, Cheng Xiang felt an extra layer of unsolved worries. Even though so many years had passed without her knowing, nothing would change if she pursued it further. And now that they are well on their own, there is nothing to worry about. But that was when she was completely unaware, just like Pandora and the Magic Box, she didn't know how to be honest, but after knowing, she always wanted to ask what happened.

I didn't sleep well all night, and I didn't know how to deal with my turbulent mood.

Cheng Xiang yawned non-stop and went back to the room to catch up on her sleep after breakfast. It was almost noon when I woke up. When I entered the space, I saw the completely transformed jujube tree, and I muttered something.

"It's much more comfortable to look at you in space than to think about the love between children."

There were so many energy coins yesterday, so I bought something to spend them on.

Spending money makes people happy. She is a common person and has nothing wrong with her.

After swiping around, Cheng Xiang saw some kind of bird with horns on its head from the original plane, with an unknown bird meat number 6 marked on it. One is 229 gold, this pricing method is very modern!

The name is the original plane You.

Cheng Xiang was curious about this person and took a casual look at it. When he saw that the quantity was decreasing, he immediately bought it.

A hairless guy who thought it was a chicken without looking at his head landed at his feet.

It’s over, I’m happy just spending energy coins, how do I get this thing out? Cheng Xiang held his head and thought hard for a while to come up with a good idea.

"Mom, I'm going out for a minute!"


Seeing that Cheng's mother didn't ask her where she was going, Cheng Xiang skipped the rest of her lines.

She bought some food at the market, took a detour when she came back, took out Unknown Bird No. 6, put it in a plastic bag and twisted it before walking back.

"I went to buy vegetables. There are still vegetables at home. How can I finish all the food?" Cheng's mother was scolding when she suddenly looked at something wrong. There was still chicken in it. "Where did you buy chickens? We raise them at home. How much money do we have to spend? The meat is not good, and it is only used as feed..." As she said, she took out the "chicken", and Cheng's mother was shocked.

Cheng Xiang was funny: "It was raised by a friend. I don't know what it is called. It should be wild. It was sent by express delivery. I was afraid that it would be damaged, so I took it apart outside and brought it back after seeing that it was still fresh."

"Scared. It kills me. I wonder why there are still chickens that look like this. What does your friend do? You can't eat other people's food for free." "You

run a farm. If you don't eat for free, it eats too much of mine. ." Of course this refers to the system.

Cheng Ma no longer had any doubts and was already thinking about what to do. Cheng Xiang came up with an idea and looked forward to the difference in taste between the things produced in this primitive plane and the ones here.

She used the same method as making chicken soup. She stir-fried and stewed it without adding any condiments. When the aroma was cooked, and everyone arrived home one after another, Cheng Ma added some salt and cooked it until the salt was fragrant.

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