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☆ 175. Chapter 175 Recruitmentfont record

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Chapter 175

After processing and packaging the hiring sauce, he went to sell Gao Lei's case. After signing the contract, Cheng Xiang took a look around the vegetable planting base in the west of the city. Most of them are seasonal vegetables, the greenhouse equipment is relatively old, and the temperature control equipment is not as good as that of Xunxian Village. Most of the vegetables grown are seasonal and the types are relatively simple.

After looking around, Cheng Xiang called Gao Lei over speechlessly.

"Ginger, garlic, onions, these ingredients are not moving for now. Move the others first."

"What do you mean?" Gao Lei didn't quite understand.

"Can't you see, your land is not fertile enough. This side and this side are all crusted. Are you using chemical fertilizers? Look at these leaves, they are curled, and some are burned to death. "As he spoke, he plucked a green vegetable, broke open the leaves and let Gao Lei smell it himself, "You just took medicine, the medicine residue will flush your nose. Use nitrogen fertilizer for vegetables, preferably cow dung and cow urine, and fatten the ground first before planting. Go down, and the vegetables that come out will be green and green, with a sweet taste, big plants, and good looks."

Gao Lei said without realizing it: "This was how they were sold before, and no one said anything. Who cares about growing vegetables now? The requirements are so high, and besides, there are not many people raising cattle nowadays, so where can we find those fertilizers. Artificial fertilizers save trouble." "

But now your vegetables are not selling as well as mine, what does this mean? The taste cannot be deceived. You can feel safe eating healthy vegetables. To be fair, when you see vegetables piled with chemical fertilizers, do you really feel no psychological shadow when eating them? Are you sure that people will be fine eating vegetables that are not even eaten by insects? "

Gao Lei felt that Cheng Xiang was nitpicking, and said unhappily: "But I haven't heard of anyone eating vegetables to death!"

Cheng Xiang responded: "It's true."

"Two years ago, there was someone who was beaten to death. Vegetables that have been treated with medicine were sold and the medicine was poisoned by villagers in a town. In a certain middle school, all the teachers and students in the school suffered from diarrhea due to the purchase of substandard vegetables. Any problem with the entrance is a big problem. You "I didn't see it, but it became chronic, and the toxicity accumulated in the body over time. When it exploded, people were still confused as to why they had a terminal illness despite having normal daily routine and diet. Excluding genetics, no disease comes without a reason."

She said . It is difficult for Gao Lei to agree with this theory. People always think rationally about things that have not yet happened, and attribute everything to fate. Destiny exists in a mysterious way. Except for chance, most people are born through human neglect, lack of control or even connivance.

"Your area is all planted. After picking the old stalks, the ground will be emptied. Pick the ones that can't be sold. Keep the first and second phases. Don't discard the third, fourth and fifth phases. Clean them all."

" What? This is not possible, everything has been dealt with, and my order is not going away?" Gao Lei's base here totals more than two hundred acres. Except for a very small number of peanuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., the rest are vegetables.

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