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☆ 5. Chapter 5font record

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Chapter 5

Put down the box, took out a pair of slippers and put them on. Seeing that Cheng's mother was still there, she said: "I bought a set of clothes for you and dad. You can try it and see if you can wear it. Where is my dad? ?"

"He went to work as a helper for someone, and he won't come back until dinner."

Holding two sets of clothes, Cheng Ma's face softened, and she said a little uncomfortably: "What clothes are you buying for us? What you can do now doesn't cost money, just keep the flowers for yourself and use them as dowry later."

"If you don't want it, I'll give it to someone else."

When Cheng Xiang said this, Cheng's mother felt embarrassed.

"If you buy it for me, it's mine."

People are so dishonest, they obviously like it, but they insist on pushing back. Cheng Xiang didn't care about this with her. She asked Cheng's mother for sheets and quilts and made the bed. I used my consciousness to collect the rose flowers once. Looking at the pitiful single-digit energy coins, I felt that this was not going to happen.

When I went downstairs, I saw Cheng's mother washing a pile of clothes alone, with two children milling around her, and my sister-in-law was cracking melon seeds and checking her cell phone. I felt a little uncomfortable.

"Mom, isn't there a washing machine at my sister-in-law's place? If you wash like this, when will it be finished?" He lifted up his sleeves and went over to help Cheng's mother twist the clothes.

"If the washing machine doesn't wash it clean, you have to overdo it here and then put it in the washing machine. Last time, your sister-in-law's cotton coat was still shiny when she took it out. You guys think that having a washing machine is everything!"

"Little sister, you don't know yet. Mom loves to be clean." My sister-in-law answered from the side, thinking that she was afraid that she would criticize her, so she followed Ma Cheng's words and explained to her.

Cheng Xiang felt clear in her heart and did not mention this matter again. One of them was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer. She was not a good person but she was blamed all over.

After helping to dry the clothes, Cheng Xiang said he wanted to go for a walk in the town, so he carried a small satchel and walked to the cement road.

"Xiangmei Ya is back!" she always called her when meeting acquaintances on the street. After greeting them one by one, she met her aunt in the market.

"Xiangmei, go sit at home. Your sister Yao is back. Come to my house for dinner tonight."

This aunt is quite nice, and the two families are close to each other. Cheng Xiang said "ok" and then helped My aunt twisted the things and walked towards her house. Both families are in the town, but one is at the end and the other is in the center of the town. There is still some distance between them.

"Cheng Xiang!" Su Yao greeted the child with a smile on her face. "Why are you back suddenly?"

"I'm tired from work. Give yourself a day off. Is this your son?" Cheng Xiang played with Xiaotuanzi's fleshy face. "He looks so cute. How old is he?"

Su Yao: "It's been four months and I just fell asleep. Come in and sit down. There is food on the table. Don't be polite to me."

As soon as she sat down, her aunt handed her the tea and said in a low voice: "Come back and tell me You two brothers, your mother is a servant girl and a nanny, how can she stand up to them. Last time, Cheng Jing's little daughter was sick, and your mother took care of her all night. Before dawn, we asked us to help take her to her. In the hospital, my legs and feet hurt, my insteps were swollen, and I had to cook and wash them for them. After that, I said she didn't take good care of the children. Now, it's not easy for my mother-in-law to treat her like your mother."

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