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☆ 187. Chapter 187 Extrafont record

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Chapter 187 Extra

: In September, all facilities were completed and the farm opened for business.

After several months, people's curiosity and word of mouth spread, and all the reserved tickets were sold out, including tourists from far away and nearby villagers who came to visit. Even though the overlord clause of Xianyuan Village was announced on the official website, it still did not lessen their yearning for this place.

Every household in Wangjia Village, the elderly, adults and children, are all packed to the teeth. Their respective attires and clothes are quite characteristic of ancient Hanfu, but they have a more fairy-like flavor than Hanfu.

The first wave of tourists who came back from the hot spring town all put on the uniforms issued to them. They were all eager to hunt and chatted enthusiastically with the villagers.

"Sister-in-law, don't go out today, we are here!" Chu Ying wore a plain fringed skirt and walked with a graceful waist. She wanted to show her beauty to the whole world.

"How can I be so fragile? It's like I'm that soft-shelled egg."

Cheng Xiang wore relatively low-key clothes. She had been staying here since Chu Ying came over last time and saw the entire operation line in Xianyuan Village. Refuse to leave. It also took over the main sales of cosmetics.

"Bah, bah, bah, the bad ones don't work, the good ones work! Don't bite your tongue, this is still a fairy village!"

"Xiangxiang, tourists are coming in soon. I just checked everywhere, and there are no people here like the musicians. They're not all here yet."

Huang Shuxiang held up the hem of her skirt and took small steps. "I'm asking in the dining hall when can we start dinner?"

"Musicians are only needed in the evening. Once the roster is sent over from the front, we can start preparing for the kitchen buffet. "

Tie up your belt and put on light makeup. Huang Shuxiang and Chu Ying stood beside her on the left and right.

The last time she came back from the sea, Cheng Xiang fell ill, and later she was found to be pregnant and fainted once. Everyone in the village treated her as a delicate and frail person. Cheng Xiang couldn't correct it and didn't bother to correct it.

Several children in the yard were putting longevity peaches on the plates. Linyuan was mixed in among the children. Although he was still a cold little person, his eyes were no longer so repulsive to human contact.

"It's very well done!"

Cheng Xiang took a look at the preparations and praised the children.

A little further away, young girls folded the bouquets and gathered together to trim them and put them into baskets for vases. Some are also picked to be prepared in the flower room for aromatherapy, and processed into cosmetics, sachets, etc.

At the cloth workshop, everyone has already started working, mixing colors, dyeing, soaking, and drying, everything is in order.

Along the village road going out, there are two small mobile shops, displaying masks, jewelry, paper umbrellas and other small items made by craftsmen.

"Coming, coming!" Someone ran over and shouted softly.

A hand reached out and pulled Cheng Xiang to the side of the road.

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