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☆ 59. Chapter 59font record

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Chapter 59

It was almost past seven o'clock in the evening after Chu Xu's meeting. He coughed twice with an uncomfortable throat and saw the boss's niece sitting on his desk.

"Brother Xu, are you done?"

"Why are you here?" Chu Xu asked casually, putting down the document in his hand.

This was not the first time Jiang Han came to the office. Although he was a little surprised by her appearance, he was not surprised at all.

The girl stood up with her bag, and the high heels looked particularly unstable on her feet.

"I just came back from out of town, and I want to go to dinner with you. You must not have had dinner yet, right? We have worked very hard during this internship, and I want to get back our share of the past." Jiang Han smiled and pouted slightly, He put his hand on Chu Xu's arm and shook it. "Let's go, let's go. I heard that there is a new Western restaurant that tastes very good!"

At this time, the door opened and Qi Ruiyang bumped in.

"With Qi Yuan's program development software, there is something I think..." Qi Ruiyang pointed a finger in the air when he saw the girl acting coquettishly towards her good brother.

Let me go, is she Director Chu’s rumored girlfriend?

Seeing his gossipy and slanderous eyes, Chu Xu pulled Jiang Han's hand away and stood back distantly.

"Jiang Han, Ruiyang and I still have things to do. You can ask the boss about the meal!"

Jiang Han wrinkled his face and shook his head in refusal.

"No, I'll wait for you outside." After saying that, he stubbornly went out and closed the door.

As soon as Qi Ruiyang saw someone going out, he immediately went up to him and teased: "Old cows eat tender grass. If you start fast enough, you dare to catch the boss's niece!" He

slapped his hand away, and Chu Xu looked at him with cold eyes.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Jiang Han and I have nothing!"

"We have nothing and she would hold your arm like this?" Qi Ruiyang believed what he saw even more. "I know what you're worried about. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about this. It's not easy to be a son-in-law who steps in. You really should think clearly..." "

Qi Ruiyang!" Chu Xu took out his cell phone and lost patience with him any longer. . "If your brain is on the right track, you won't have been a coder for so many years! This is my girlfriend, do you see clearly?"

The photo was secretly taken by Chu Xu while Cheng Xiang was drying clothes. All you can see is Half a face.

"What? I can't see clearly at all."

Chu Xu grabbed the phone back with his hand and said coolly: "You don't need to see clearly, you just need to know that she is not who you think she is." "

Hey, hey, Don't be so stingy. Is your girlfriend ugly? That's why you don't dare to show her true identity?"

Seeing that he glanced at him like an idiot, Chu Xu didn't bother to say another word and just pointed to the door. The meaning is clear: do you want to get out or do you want to get down to business?

Qi Ruiyang reacted with a slap on the forehead and asked Chu Xu to open the computer monitor to explain the problems he discovered and discuss solutions.

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