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☆ 68. Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

"I'm not interested. Don't you always look down on these laborious and unpleasant things?" Suddenly changed gender? Cheng Xiang looked carefully.

"Haha...that's what happened. I set the financial owner on fire." He pretended to be elegant and put the chicken soup to his lips to cover up. "It smells so good! With your level, we will definitely make a lot of money..."

Cheng Xiang stretched out his hand in time: "Stop it, stop your marketing brainwashing strategy! I'm busy, I don't have time. Besides, it's gone. One funder can find another funder, and being strangled to death by one person is not your style. Let me see, I just want the money to come without having to put in much effort." I am too lazy to think and want to make money sitting on the ground.

"We can still be friends if we see through it or not! Are you busy driving a tricycle?"

"I have contracted hundreds of acres of land and am thinking about writing a project application! You don't know that this thing requires written regulations, and I I haven't written it before." Although Village Chief Wang agreed to revise her and take her through the procedures, the key point was that it was too poor for a college student to hand over.

"What's the point? If you hire professionals from outside, there's nothing that can't be done with money!" Yang Zhen took a few mouthfuls of soup and coughed suddenly. "You...you just said you contracted hundreds of acres of land, not how many acres?"

"Yes! What's wrong?" Can't she do something blockbuster?

The eyes are so strange.

"Hundreds of acres! Girl, you haven't burned out your brain, have you? When did you have such courage?"

Cheng Xiang was used to being hit, and her voice was cold: "It's due to luck, and you can't stop luck when it comes. "Anyway, no one believes her when she tells the truth. It just so happens that she was selected by the plane system. She is one in a billion lucky. It is indeed a piece of shit caused by the mafia.

"Oh, where did this go to get rich! Are you talking about entertainment?"

Cheng Xiang frowned and said smoothly without thinking.

"I won one million in the lottery."

Yang Zhen was about to complain immediately, looking at Cheng Xiang as if Cheng Xiang had just told a vulgar joke full of loopholes.

"Can you be more careful and win the lottery? You didn't buy it at all, and you still won! You can't even pick the lottery ticket with your eyes open!" Yang Zhen laughed so hard that his whole body trembled. "Okay, I won't ask anymore, so as not to get choked by your cold jokes."

Cheng Xiang was speechless. Did he agree to see through or not?

After eating, Yang Zhen played with her mobile phone for a while, then dragged her suitcase to the guest room to take a nap.

Cheng Xiang was thinking about what was going on in the space, so he entered the bedroom and locked the door, then went in with confidence.

Sure enough, the grapes were hung all over the bamboo frame again, and this time there were more grapes than last time. Cheng Xiang took the scissors and cut the grape bunches while trimming off the vines to prevent them from climbing into the vegetable field. After finishing my work, I saw a total of three boxes of grapes including those from yesterday, and I was wondering what to do with them. It seems that grapes can only be used to make wine. Cheng Xiang vaguely remembered that there were oak barrels for sale in the Western Plane, but the price was slightly expensive, but this was nothing to her now.

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