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☆ 113. Chapter 113

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Chapter 113

"What did you say? Xiao Chao, did he entrust you with a dream?"

"Ah, yes! Yes!"

God knows how much courage it takes to make a panic. Cheng Xiang felt that she would never be able to look directly at Chen Chao's relatives in this life. Fortunately, she didn't have to look directly at him, she wasn't familiar with him at all.

"He told me in his dream that he was worried about the health of his uncle and aunt. He hoped that I could help tell you and ask you to take them to the hospital for a checkup." It was

not her business to believe it or not. arrive. Cheng Xiang felt relieved.

"Okay, thank you. Xiaochao must trust you very much if he can find you!"

Cheng Xiang felt guilty, "He is gone, and what I can do is limited. Please take care of yourself. Chen Chao has a spirit in heaven, and he will definitely I hope you can have a good life."

After making this call, Cheng Xiang was almost exhausted. The course of lies tests the conscience too much.

The phone immediately rang again, and she looked to see if it was Cheng's mother.

"Sister, when you are free, bring Xiao Chu back for a meal someday. Have you two taken wedding photos?"

Cheng Xiang said in a lazy voice: "He is on a business trip, let's wait until he comes back. What's the rush? It's not that it's still early. "

You!" Cheng Ma smiled helplessly over there: "You have to wait until the weather gets cold before you worry. Is it uncomfortable to take pictures when it's warm? I won't ask about you. You are such an old person. My Lord,"

Cheng Xiang responded repeatedly, digging out the lotus seeds absentmindedly.

The black cat jumped from the sofa to the coffee table, sniffed the lotus pods, and shook his head to the side.

What a silly thing!

Cheng Xiang patted it on the head. This guy who was not afraid of meat and vegetables wanted to take a bite of everything. The one in the fish tank, on the other hand, behaved exactly the opposite. I barely see it eating. Maybe it has reached the inceling stage?

Communication was blocked, and she didn't know what was going on with these two, or how long they would be dependent on her.

After chatting with Cheng Ma, WeChat came to my phone.

Luo Junhao: Is he your new boyfriend?

Luo Junhao: When did you meet?

Luo Junhao: Why didn't you wait for me? The moment I saw the photo, nothing came into my mind...

Cheng Xiang: Does it make sense?

Dont you feel like youre taking off your pants and farting when you send out these boring inquiries after youve missed them?

Luo Junhao: Do ​​you like him very much?

Cheng Xiang didn't want to deal with him anymore. She would feel particularly uncomfortable when she saw him again. Unnecessary people, unnecessary explanations, she sent a long string of texts to break all ties.

Cheng Xiang: Do you think this is interesting? I spent four whole years on you, so much time and so many opportunities. I stayed away from my original life track for you, and I lost what I once valued most. Surrounding you 24 hours a day? In your eyes, maybe you always think that what I do is what I should do. Faced with a job, if you manage it carefully, you can get a high salary. Even if I clean up a tree every day, it will grow up and protect me from the wind and rain. But I took care of you for four whole years. I became your nanny and little follower and a rag girl who also served your parents and listened to your complaints. The sense of gain...lose your smile and innocence! You showed me what gentle cruelty is.

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