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☆ 177. Chapter 177 Wants to trick her againfont record

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Chapter 177: Trying to trick her again.

Her biggest dissatisfaction with the eldest brother and his wife is that they want to get close but have no way to get close. If that person wasn't her eldest brother or sister-in-law, she could just ignore it, but that person obviously occupied a very important part in her life, and she couldn't ignore it even if she wanted to. The resentment does not reach the point of complete breakup, and there is no suitable position for taking or putting it away.

"That's very thorough, but I have a different point of view." Cheng Xiu paused and seemed to be organizing his words.

"Chinese people are naturally able to speak out about other people's shortcomings, and often isolate themselves within a protective circle. No matter how much they say, they will speculate clearly. We are not the parties involved. I am not trying to make excuses for the eldest brother. I am fair enough and direct. Talk to him to see if he can be more conversational. Foreigners do this better than us."

He had something in his mouth, and his words were slurred, but every word came out clearly.

Cheng Xiang couldn't help but think carefully. Brother Guijing deliberately acted in a non-serious tone and said such serious words to himself. Did he already have some idea in his heart? This phone call was both a test and a practical exploration. . Is he suggesting that she go talk to her elder brother and sister-in-law?

"Oh - Cheng Xiaoer, you are dishonest!"

Cheng Xiang laughed in a long tone: "You are so understanding and understand the situation. Go find your elder brother yourself and don't use me as a pawn."

Co-authored by Bad Guys She was asked to do all the bad things, and he acted as the peacemaker in the middle. She couldn't even learn this trick. Don't admit this second brother.

"What? I don't understand what you said." The other end of the phone was serious.

Cheng Xiang laughed with a trembling voice and said, "Just be silly. I'm not going to talk to you anymore. I'm busy!" "

Cheng Xiao/San'er, are we still brothers and sisters?" It suits him to lower his face and engage in ideological work. Such a big devil? It's not fun if you don't tear others down.

"You are fierce! You are fierce! You are the fiercest! I am not your fierce sister!" Cheng Xiang laughed and hung up. Imagining my eldest brother to look like the angry Bull Demon King, she has that essence, spirit, and spirit!

As for interviewing her elder brother and sister-in-law, she would have to wait for her to choose an auspicious day, when the sun is warm and the breeze is gentle, and she would use up all her patience in her life to make it happen.

Village Chief Wang took a simple map, circled it several times and came to talk to Cheng Xiang. There were three young people following behind him.

"Xiao Cheng, I think there is an inspection procedure. Does that mean we need to set up an inspection room? This inspection room must be separated by men and women. Personal belongings are not allowed to enter, and the storage area for gifts needs an absolute A safe and enclosed place. Also, cars are not allowed to enter the village. Do we have to build a parking shed outside? This is very expensive!" "

No. The first two items can be simplified. In two houses separated by one depth from the city , the outside has been inspected, and the items are stored directly in the inner room. There is a counter outside the storage, and there are counter service personnel and internal retrieval personnel in the storage room. Open several small door openings in the partition wall behind the counter, and put the stored items in a unified place. Boxes with different numbers are brought into the doorway by a conveyor belt, and then internal staff are mobilized to operate the machine and sort all the boxes for storage. When picking them up, just swipe your face." "

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