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☆ 118. Chapter 118

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Chapter 118

After aligning her fingers, Cheng Xiang wrinkled her little nose pitifully.

His eyes flickered, and Chu Xu sighed secretly in his heart, but he still ignored her with a hard-hearted face. If she hadn't caught Pigtail today, how long would she have planned to keep it a secret from him?

"Are you still angry?" Cheng Xiang grabbed the hem of his clothes and tugged at him to please him, then put his face up and smiled, showing a few teeth.

Chu Xu turned his head away, his heart softened long ago, but he didn't want to pay attention. Otherwise, she would not be able to go to heaven!

"Are you really willing to ignore such a cute, gentle and gentle girlfriend who can be eaten and touched?"

He only saw a lawless "naughty child"!

Cursing in my heart. The rebellious little hands touched and scratched him again, and Chu Xu couldn't help but feel itchy at the base of his teeth.

"Crash!" The sound of sliding water caught their attention.

Chu Xu thought it was just a fish, but when he took a closer look, he saw a baby baby flapping its limbs in the water. Immediately the strings in my head broke, and I quickly walked over and jumped into the water.

Cheng Xiang was stunned from behind and realized what Chu Xu had misunderstood. Instead, he stood on the side watching the show.

After catching the child, Chu Xu and Xiaowa's eyes met. The two stared at each other, neither making any move.

Cheng Xiang was still thinking about how long the two of them would cross their eyes when she sprayed water on Chu Xu's face. Wetting his entire upper body.

Cheng Xiang smiled unkindly while holding his arms.

Xiaoqiu is really good, teasing people indiscriminately, and she has found a balance in her heart.

"What's going on?" Chu Xu glanced coldly at the man who was laughing heartlessly to himself. "Don't tell me that you don't know."

Cheng Xiang touched her nose as she felt resentful again. "Ahem, just let her shower you. She is already very gentle to you. You don't know how she tricked me. If I hadn't been so hard on the forehead, I would have gotten up early now."

So, what is this? ?

Chu Xu's eyes moved around Cheng Xiang's belly, and he overturned his thoughts. You can't give birth to such a big baby in such a short time.

Cheng Xiang: "You come up first."

Chu Xu arrived at the water pavilion covered in water.

"Xiaoqiu, dry the water." Cheng Xiang pointed to the wet clothes on Chu Xu's body. "If you are naughty again, I will cook you on fire."

The little guy trembled, his face full of accusations of "bullying babies."

"Loach meat is an excellent food for humans to nourish the body."

Xiaoqiu bowed her head and admitted defeat. She saw the water scales on her forehead glowing, and all the water stains on Chu Xu's body were sucked into the light ball. After a while, the light group turned into water scale patterns again, as if nothing had happened.

"Awesome! It's all done." After checking it, Cheng Xiang was envious. As a cultivator who has not even broken through to the first level of Qi training, he can do nothing except sealing other people's acupuncture points with spiritual power. Flying at every turn, using spells, etc. are still hundreds of thousands of steps away for her.

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