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☆ 13. Chapter 13font record

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Chapter 13

Okay, what a stingy and principled recycling system.

Cheng Xiang harvested another season of peanuts before going to bed at night. Worried about missing the next season, she even set an alarm clock for three in the morning. By repeating this process until the jujube trees matured, she had saved more than two thousand energy coins. However, when harvesting the jujubes, she discovered something.

It seems that the jujube tree is no longer growing, whether it is getting thicker or taller.

Cheng Xiang from the Earth Plane: Why don’t the trees I plant grow?

Ancient Western Plane Asak: Is the land area too small?

Is it also related to the land?

Ancient Western Plane Asak: The downward volume of the plot is fixed in the shape of a square column. If the tree roots grow laterally, more plots will be needed.

Earth Plane Cheng Xiang: How many plots of land does a tree need?

He Yong in the new leap forward plane: Use the growth situation of the tree in your plane as a reference.

Cheng Xiang from the Earth Plane: Thank you, no need to reply!

No wonder the wood on the trading interface is so expensive, and it takes up so much land despite its long growth cycle. But she had already done it, and there was no way she could regret it anymore.

I sold the dates, and 10 days later I used the accumulated energy coins to go to the store to buy another plot of land. I chose the location next to the date tree, and cut down the date tree thinking I would harvest a few more crops.

When the peanuts were ripe, Cheng Xiang didn't put them on the shelves, but took them out and spread them out in the sun to dry. From a little at the beginning to more than half of the snakeskin bag later, I kept a little for myself, and the rest was divided into several portions to be packaged and delivered by courier.

Nearly a week later, Cheng Xiang moved to a fourth plot of land and placed it next to the jujube tree. The yield of the jujube tree has increased, and it can weigh seventy or eighty kilograms at a time. The bamboo poles were not enough, so Cheng Xiang bought a herringbone ladder and climbed up the tree so that the top of the tree was still out of reach. However, no matter how many dates were produced, they could not buy many energy coins. After harvesting, Cheng Xiang sold half of them, steamed the other half and dried them in the sun to make sweet dried dates.

She found a saw on the transaction interface, but there was no chainsaw. The technological plane produced an energy chainsaw, but the energy blocks inside were so expensive that she would rather use the laborious hand saw.

She didn't know how long she had been sawing, but all ten of Cheng Xiang's fingers were blistered. She kept pulling and pulling, and finally cut two-thirds of the way. She kicked it up, and the tree trunk made a sound but still didn't fall. Cheng Xiang jumped up and kicked again... sweating like rain, finally heard a "click" sound, and the tall tree fell sideways.

"Hey, congratulations on the upgrade of the host plane farm. It is currently at level four!"

There was nothing but an upgrade. Cheng Xiang only regarded it as a celebratory voiceover to celebrate her success in chopping down a tree. Looking at her hands soaked, she sat on the trunk of the jujube tree and cried without tears.

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