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☆ 93. Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

"I have promoted you, and many sisters in our community have asked me for your WeChat account. Do I need to give you some discounts if I help you like this?"

This aunt is really smart, Cheng Xiang After thinking about it for a while, it seemed a bit tacky for city dwellers like them to directly give money as promotion commission. It feels like pulling someone's finger. If the person being promoted finds out, it won't hurt their feelings.

"In this case, I will give you a 50 yuan discount. If you like something in my store, you can directly cash it in regardless of the purchase amount." "

Can't you cash it

in when buying chicken?" "No, auntie, that's from someone else's place. I can't be in charge of the chickens I bought. I can be in charge of the things in my shop. I'm just doing you a favor this time."

The aunt finally didn't have any more problems, and Cheng Xiang looked at the other items. The aunts responded and chatted with them, and the information they received back was good. There are many aunts who are not very good at using online stores to shop. They have to transfer money through WeChat and let Cheng Xiang deliver the goods directly. Cheng Xiang was not inflexible. She agreed with them that she would be busy with something today and would not be able to send the express until tomorrow. Before the conversation was over, a request to add friend information came up on WeChat, which continued intermittently until eight o'clock in the evening. 50 yuan is well worth the money spent.

I counted 9 orders on WeChat alone, but only 1 order from the store.

After Xiang Xiaoan ignored him for many days, Cheng Xiang called him after taking a shower.

"Oh, dear, you finally remember me! Yang Zhen and I did something big today, and it was terrible!" His

eyelids twitched, and Cheng Xiang made some mental preparations.

"If you plus one equals 3, I'm lucky I didn't blow up the bank."

Xiang Xiaoan laughed dryly. Xin said, in fact, it is not much better than blowing up a bank.

"We had a fight with the landlord!"

"Huh?" My jaw dropped to the floor. These two really couldn't be put together. They were too destructive.

Here Yang Zhen grabbed the phone and talked about her journey with righteous indignation.

"I have never seen such a stingy person. In the morning, I washed my clothes and didn't wring them out very well. She rushed up from downstairs, as if she was tearing down the door. She said that I had soaked the floor of her house. I said that her land was in ruins because she couldn't decorate it by herself, so she kept talking to me. She said how nice her house was before, and it was only because Xiao An's family moved in that it became like this. She wanted to give Xiao An some money. Pay for it!"

"Hey, I'm such a bad tempered person! It's okay to just talk about me, and involve other people. If you don't take her seriously, she doesn't even know there is any sense in the world. Her house is an old house renovated, and I have a sharp eye. I could tell at a glance that the drainage pipes upstairs were not properly routed and leaked, causing the whole house to be damp and dusty. I told her about science and pragmatism, but she wanted to move out to Xiao An. I was so angry that I sued her with a bad temper. ."

This experience was really full of twists and turns.

"What about now, where do you live?"

"Temporary apartment, tsk, I feel so proud!"

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