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☆ 55. Chapter 55font record

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Chapter 55

Walking inside, Cheng Xiang looked at various medicinal materials spread out on the shelves. While I was wondering, should I buy some medicinal herbs here? Looking over it bit by bit, Cheng Xiang discovered a situation. The medicinal materials sold on the market were all common types, while the expensive and precious medicinal materials had very low asking prices, completely lower than Cheng Xiang's estimated value. This was unavoidable. Makes people doubt its authenticity. Moreover, it was still in a state where no one cared about it, which made her desire to buy it less and less.

At the end, Cheng Xiang picked a stall, walked up to it and asked, "Brother, why are the ginseng seeds here so expensive?" Even if they are artificially grown, they are ginseng and not white radish, no matter what. The price shouldn't be this low.

"Sister, you don't know this! These ginseng seeds are not ripened and opened. Whether they can be planted or not depends on luck. Those who don't know the technology have to mess around on their own, and many of them will burn out if they sprout. Yes. It's difficult to grow ginseng, so the seeds are sold cheaply!"

That's it, Cheng Xiang nodded. But still doubtful.

"Give me two packs of saffron seeds, ginseng seeds, and polygonum multiflorum."

There are only a dozen pills in a pack. Cheng Xiang is not unwilling to spend more money to buy it, but he also wants to buy the real thing. Furthermore, it only takes a day or two to harvest seeds in space. Once the time comes, you can actually use your own seeds to expand the seeds. If it’s fake, then naturally throw it away if you can.

It didn't cost a few hundred yuan in total. Seeing the difficulty in her hands, the male boss couldn't help but ask: "Sister, are the medicinal materials in this bag of yours?"

Cheng Xiang had a good impression of this person and nodded. "Fresh Panax notoginseng, what's your price here?"

The male boss asked: "How many?" There was interest in his eyes.

"About 15." Cheng Xiang's voice was low.

The male boss's eyes moved, and the visitor waved to Cheng Xiang, and called for help guarding the stall. Turning to look at Cheng Xiang and motioning for her to follow him, Cheng Xiang paused slightly, not afraid of being deceived. I followed the man to the second floor of a house on one side of the market, and then entered a small room where some medicinal materials were stored.

The male boss said a few words to the woman inside and took out a steel scale.

"Open it, I'll take a look."

Hearing this, Cheng Xiang opened the mouth of the bag. The male boss picked it up and looked through it in his hand, then smiled after reading it. After loading a plate and weighing a pound, and counting the heads, the male boss poured the goods back, hooked them all up and put them on the scale.

Cheng Xiang, an old scale star, will also recognize this kind of scale. When the edge of the scale is kilograms, when counting the scale stars, it is 26 and a half kilograms. She also had a rough idea in her mind.

"1,600 per catty, you must agree that I will pay you immediately."

If you use the method of doubling the number of heads and doubling the price, the price is almost the same. Cheng Xiang said "good".

The male boss wanted to ask the woman for cash, so Cheng Xiang took out his mobile phone. "Should we transfer the money directly?"

Cheng Xiang got 42,400 in just a short time. Ling Ling totaled 85,000 yuan on hand plus her recent earnings, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Then he asked the male boss: "I still have some of these products on hand. Look, how can I find you next time?"

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