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☆ 66. Chapter 66

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Chapter 66


"Sister, your eldest brother said that you contracted 300 acres of land in Wangjia Village. Is this true?" Cheng Ma was not so much asking her as she was talking about this matter. Doubtful and unacceptable. "Why do you want to go... to do such a big thing? What are you going to do? Hundreds of thousands a year, millions in two years. You can't get so much money even if you sell me! Sister, you , You are confused, no matter what you do to achieve your abilities, others will take you for granted!"

"Mom!" Cheng Xiang was extremely confused and helpless, "I have already negotiated this matter, you don't need to worry about money, I I won't use your money."

Mother Cheng interrupted her impulsively, "It's not about money. What should I tell you, kid? You can't do this kind of land. You haven't even picked up a hoe since you were a child. But, how are you going to plant? You know what seeds to plant in what season, you know how to weed and fight insects, but you dont know anything. If you dont know anything and you dig in there, arent you waiting to regret it later? I dont want you to get involved. For the rest of your life. Don't do any business anymore. Come back!"

"Don't rush to conclusions and listen to my thoughts, okay..."

"It's me."

Suddenly it was the second brother on the other side of the phone, and Cheng Xianggang mentioned The courage to fight to the end was gone.

"Second brother..."

The voice dropped several degrees unconsciously.

"I want to know what made you make this decision." Cheng Xiu showed his attitude, either convincing him with reasons, or being persuaded to listen to him.

"Okay, but please don't interrupt me when I say it. I'm not making any fantasies."

Cheng Xiu responded, his tone so calm that no meaning could be heard. Cheng Xiang was in a state of anxiety, but they were his relatives, and it was better for them to live in close peace and harmony than to be at war with each other until they died. She could only work hard to convince Cheng Xiu and the most difficult second brother, which was half the success.

"Last time I told you about selling vegetables. The gross income from the day's account is more than 1,200. After excluding the capital and other miscellaneous items, I have a net income of 500, and the monthly profit is only 15,000. My vegetables It is the most expensive in the entire market, because the goods I buy are different from others, they are completely original eco-friendly green vegetables with no drug residue. Therefore, I can sell what others sell in a day in one morning.

If the cost is not too high , the income will be even more impressive. In the recent market, many customers have responded very well, with a customer return rate of more than 80%. If you think about it, a stall as small as ours in this small county can achieve this kind of performance. Then the prospects for expanding production and sales will be spectacular. I have calculated the initial investment, and the loss will only be a few months. And I only make vegetables in season and not out of season. I have also studied Wangjiacun The terrain is high, the sun is abundant, and the soil is fertile. In addition, the crops there mature more than a month later than other places. The vegetables grown by the farmers are large, high-yielding and of high quality. Due to the large temperature difference between morning and evening, there are relatively few pests.

My plan is to grow vegetables as one part, and to build an original ecological farm there as another part. Taking advantage of the local favorable conditions, we can provide accommodation, meals, and summer escape in the summer, and we can also enjoy the snow and survive the winter. Create a tourism consumption industry chain .Have you ever seen a video that is very popular on the Internet? It talks about a girl who retreats to the countryside to take care of her only relative while keeping a record of her daily life. Why is she so popular? Its just that in an impetuous society, everyone has a hidden spirit deep in their hearts. , I dont care about the economy or practical matters, I only care about who I am, stealing half a days leisure from the floating life, and dreaming of sleeping among the flowers with a glass of wine

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