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☆ 157. Chapter 157 Harvestfont record

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Chapter 157 Harvest

In a blink of an eye, it’s April.

The farm house has already taken shape, and the main part is expected to be completed by summer.

The weather has been nice recently. Cheng Xiang was afraid of rain during the rapeseed harvest, so he sprinkled the rapeseed with water a few days in advance. The rape pods swelled more than a day, and showed signs of yellowing in less than five days, which was half a month earlier than others.

Basically, all the people in Wangjia Village who have less time to farm come to work and help harvest rapeseed.

"After cutting, let the water soak for a while, and you can still plant a crop of rice in the field."

My uncle said his thoughts as an old farmer sentimentally.

Nowadays, rice is worthless and the fertility of the fields cannot keep up without fertilizer. Top dressing with farmyard manure is barely enough, but this farmyard manure is not good for everything. Today's human body, animals and livestock are constantly in contact with the outside world, and inevitably come into contact with some sources of pollution. Even the discharged feces contains pollution residues.

Since Cheng Xiang is determined to be the best, she cannot tolerate eating dirty food. It consumes a lot of energy in space, and the more land it has, the more energy it consumes. Fortunately, she knows how to cheat, otherwise the output in the space would be enough to cover the energy consumption.

She searched on the interface and discovered that there were actually people selling livestock excrement, which made her laugh and thought these people were so cute.

Targeting the excrement of cows and horses, mainly targeting the ancient plane, Cheng Xiang found several good buyers. There was also an old acquaintance among them. After applying to add friends, Cheng Xiang went out to check the rapeseed harvest situation.

A motorcycle came up on the cement road in front. Cheng Xiang looked familiar. As he got closer, he found that Mo Chudong was driving in front, and there were two unfamiliar faces sitting behind him.

"I just thought about waiting here to call you, but unexpectedly I bumped into you. They were looking for you, and they didn't know the way, so I ran over."

Mo Chudong smiled and led the two of them forward.

Cheng Xiang said: "I'm still wondering why you didn't guard your precious chickens today."

Daotian Village is much busier than Wangjiacun at this time. The fields need to be cultivated, some tourists who experience rural life need to be entertained, and there are still housework to do. When it is free, the fish fry have to be thrown down, watered, and rice seedlings raised.

"This is a big farmer who raises ducks on the cliff of the river mouth. His surname is Liu. This is a big farmer who raises pigs in Laojun Temple, Lao Yan. They are looking for you to discuss something. Miss Yang contacted them last time and said they were discussing cooperation. They are waiting. I haven't replied to Miss Yang for so long and couldn't get through to Miss Yang, so I called the village."

This matter is a business connection issue. Cheng Xiang sent Yang Zhen away in a hurry. No one knew what Yang Zhen was doing, and no one could Give reply.

"Yang Zhen went abroad. He was in a hurry. He may have forgotten to tell me about this."

Cheng Xiang made some nonsense and asked them to come inside. The weather in April was still a bit cold, with a slight breeze blowing, so you still had to wear jackets. Besides, Wangjia Village was located on a high ground, so you had to have a fire in the house to sit down.

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