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☆ 7. Chapter 7font record

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Chapter 7

After breakfast, Cheng Xiang and Cheng’s mother were the only two people left at home, and the two children went to preschool.

Cheng Xiang returned to the room and entered the space. The shelves were empty. She looked at the energy coins that had exceeded 100 with some surprise, and couldn't help but feel sad that she had wasted so many rose flowers before. But there was no trading interface at that time, so I feel relieved when I think about it.

I happily cut the rose flowers and packaged them into bunches, and put them on the shelves for 32 energy coins. I then dug up the plants, leaving two of them in pots, and put the rest on the shelves for 13 energy coins.

As soon as Cheng Xiang placed the potted rose flowers on the balcony, he heard a "swish" sound.

I took out the jujube saplings and quickly went in. One of the two bunches of flowers on the shelf was sold, and there were five saplings left. Cheng Xiang looked at the rising energy coins and giggled happily.

After planting the jujube saplings, she browsed the transaction interface and saw a pair of nice embroidered cloth shoes with a unit price of 98 energy coins. They came from the ancient plane. Unfortunately, there was no shoe size suitable for her. I also saw a round fan with gauze and a few peonies embroidered on it. It looked good but had no practical use. Just as she was giving up the idea of ​​shopping, the fan turned gray, indicating that it was sold out.

The purchasing power of these people is quite strong!

Cheng Xiang pulled down again and couldn't help but glared when he saw the duck down. Why can this be sold here? So can she bring things from the outside world to sell? She rushed out, got a peaked hat, opened the shelf and put the hat in, but found that there was no confirmation button. Cheng Xiang was surprised to change the slippers under his feet again, but this time there was still no confirmation button. After trying several things in this way, she began to wonder if the shelf was broken.

Cheng Ma called her downstairs, so Cheng Xiang had to give up her research and go downstairs first.

When guests came, Cheng’s mother asked her to get some tea. They were distant relatives. Cheng Xiang didn’t have much to talk about with them. She only knew that they were from grandma’s side of the family. The old people are gone and they haven't had much contact with each other in the past few years. Cheng Xiang has always been out of town, so he doesn't know them well.

"We are doing wasteland reclamation over there, and we have more than ten acres of mountainous land at home. I would like to ask your Cheng Jing to drive an excavator for a few days..." "

He has two days left in school, and there is a guy who digs mountains and builds roads. I told him, Let's see when he has time."

Cheng Xiang listened to Cheng's mother talking to the guests and watched TV with the remote control in boredom. There was a "buzz" in her ears, and her heart itched and she wanted to run away immediately.

"You have opened up wasteland, what can you plant in such a wide area?"

"The government supports tobacco cultivation, but some big tobacco companies want to rent it..."

Smoking is harmful to health, but tobacco cultivation is strongly promoted. Cheng Xiang has enough complaints in his heart.

But Cheng Ma was very envious. After those people left, she kept saying, "It would be great if we also had mountains. It's a pity that the mountains in our village are deep in the mountains. Except for people who want to go on outdoor adventures, the terrain is too high. You can't plant anything."

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