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☆ 43. Chapter 43 third updatefont record

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Chapter 43:

If she wasn't holding the child in her arms at midnight, she wouldn't mind having a quarrel with her.

An old man in the second row stood up and said, "I'll switch with you."

Su Yao thanked her, hugged the child and picked up her things, not even giving a glance to the angry Aunt Yang.

This incident made Aunt Yang even more unhappy with the Cheng family, and even Su Yao's family was hated by her. As soon as she got off the car in town, as long as she met someone she could talk to, she told Cheng Xiang about selling vegetables in the city market, and even hinted that Cheng Xiang was left behind and would marry him later. No more waiting.

Su Yao remembered this and called Cheng Xiang, but kept reminding that the other party was not in the service area. When she wanted to talk to Su's mother, Cheng Xiang's aunt, her mother was already furious and came to her first.

"I just went outside to help you get the express delivery. Xiaozhuang's wife called me to stop and asked me if the Cheng family had offended anyone. When I asked about it, I found out that some stinky woman was cursing Xiang Meiya!" "


Su Yao angrily cursed: "It must have been the woman with the long tongue named Yang." She learned from Su's mother what happened in the car.

Su's mother was so angry that she pointed out the window and cursed: "Then Yang Fengjuan'er is nothing. When she was young, she was always homeless and hooking up with wild men. She is the same thing when she gives birth to a girl. She is a piece of shit. She doesn't even know who her son is. Whose son dares to say bad things about Xiangmeiya? Wait, this matter is not over!"

Su Ma patted her thigh and was about to go out. Halfway through, she remembered that she was still holding the express delivery in her hand, so she turned back and put the things away. On the ground at Su Yao's feet.

"Mom, can you wait until dad comes back?"

Cheng Xiang's call still didn't get through, and Su Yao was worried that Su's mother would suffer. This kind of thing is not a good reputation even if you win or lose. But if they don't seek justice and temper the spirit of those people, everyone will think that this group of people is easy to control. Cheng Xiang's reputation was ruined for her, and it would be difficult for her to get married in the future. Someone must come forward to take care of this matter.

"Am I that stupid? Sister knows that, let alone Cheng Jing's attitude, Yang Fengjuan can't even think about having an easy time with her brother-in-law and waiter."

What Su's mother said was really right. Cheng's mother was busy with dinner. Su As soon as her mother told her what had happened, Cheng's mother twisted the kitchen knife and walked out without wiping her hand. When Dad Cheng came back from work, she recounted the story again, and Dad Cheng's eyes turned red with anger.

A group of people ran to Yang Fengjuan's house to ask for an explanation without caring about anything.

Yang Fengjuan's man is a bride-in-law. Her man is honest and willing to be beaten and scolded, and he never makes the final decision in the family affairs. Throughout the year, almost half of the time is spent in the mountains burning kiln charcoal, or digging medicinal materials and selling wild products. His presence in villages and towns is extremely low, and even many people of the younger generation cannot call him by his name.

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