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☆ 136. Chapter 136font record

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Chapter 136

[The best, there is a demonic beast inner elixir? ]

He didn’t hear anyone speaking, but Gonglan clearly received this message. My heart was shocked, let alone the inner elixir of monsters, it was hard to see even a small demon now, let alone someone who had practiced the inner elixir for hundreds of years.

Gonglan wanted to test the depth and deliberately deceived: "Yes, as long as you follow me, I have all the demon pills." After

a moment of silence, the two people's stagnant figures began to move towards the outside of the rooftop again.

"Help..." the man screamed, fearing that he would fall and break into pieces.

"Wait, we can talk again." Gonglan didn't know where he made the mistake, and there was sweat on his forehead. In his current physical condition, he would definitely die if he fell. He didn't dare to challenge or look down upon.

[fraud. ]

Another two words came clearly. Gonglan paused and said urgently: "What requests do you have, we can discuss them, but we haven't had the inner elixir of monsters here for hundreds of years. You choose the difficulty." It's not that big. For example, elixirs, magic weapons..."

There was no new reply while waiting. Gonglan felt confused and didn't know what to say next.

Pill? The owner has nearly a thousand years of ginseng, hundreds of years of Ganoderma lucidum, and hundreds of years of Polygonatum japonica, but nothing. They have grown up in large pieces, and from now on it will be trivial to just steal two pieces to eat occasionally. Why bother asking for the elixir he gave to others?

Magical weapons are even more boring, and too much fighting and killing affects your mood. It's enough to have claws, and humans like it if it's nothing more than a burden.

The black cat scratched his chin and rubbed his hair until it was shiny.

Two bubbles on the rooftop burst without warning.

Blue eyes looked at the tail in the water tank.

[Why don't you continue? ] Somewhat angry, he hasn't had enough fun yet.

[Consumption of spiritual power. ]

Xiaoqiu's reply is still brief. The advantage of high cultivation is that you can do whatever you want, but also because the output outlet is large and the outside world cannot supply it in time, excessive use will cause spiritual energy exhaustion, damage to the heart, and even tendons. Irreversible consequences such as severe backlash.

Although it is a demon, it is even more difficult to practice nowadays. Being able to take shape for the first time has already hit a big chance, so it does not dare to take risks at will. Moreover, the root cause of this problem still lies with the owner, and it is enough for them to do what they should do with small punishments and big warnings.

As soon as the two of them landed on the rooftop, they went back to their respective homes in shock, not even daring to mention what happened that day.

The room returned to its original state, and Xiaoqiu returned the lock to its original position. When Cheng Xiang and Chu Xu came back, they didn't notice at all that their home had been invaded.

On the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, after the morning market, Cheng Xiang took his uncle's car and drove home with Su Yao and his family.

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