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☆ 32. Chapter 32font record

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Chapter 32

Wait, something seems wrong.

Cheng Xiang buried his head in thought for a while and suddenly woke up. When she bought something before, there was never any detailed description, but now a text introduction actually appeared. To make sure that he was not dazzled, Cheng Xiang looked at others again and felt happy to make sure that he had seen correctly. When you buy something in the future, you don’t have to worry about not knowing how to use it.

She bought two bottles of Wanghua Tears, and the energy coins she just earned were all gone in no time.

Roll up your trouser legs and get a drop of it on your thighs. When she was a child, she scraped the top of her knee on the step, and a piece of flesh was shaved off. There is still a scar after so many years, so she rarely wore short skirts and shorts when she was a teenager. There was no special feeling when the coolness fell on them. After applying them evenly, she put them in the box and went to do other things.

The system buzzed with the sound of money coming in. When he saw that the things he bought on the shelves were sold, Cheng Xiang had some more energy coins to resell.

If only there were so many lazy angels on the earth...

"Beep! The host of the Glansta plane passes through the energy portal and reaches the earth plane! Host, please pay attention!"

"Beep! The portal is opened, and the guests will be at the host's location Stay in the plane for a month!"

"Beep! The target is 2000 kilometers away from the host."

The system's continuous "beeps" caught Cheng Xiang off guard, and he blinked inexplicably.

The plane of Gransta? I have never been in contact with it! More importantly, why do people from other planes come to her plane? Wouldn't this cause chaos in the world?

And the host can be teleported to other planes? She felt a little panicked, and some fear spread. Because there is no way to know whether the person coming is well-intentioned or malicious, whether he looks weird or similar to her. She had no way of knowing whether they would have an impact on her life or pose a threat to her life safety.

Just when she was feeling creepy and terrified, the area on her leg where Wang Hua Lei had been applied felt hot and swollen, and there was also an itchy feeling from the fuzz rubbing against her skin.

Opening the mailbox, Cheng Xiang asked her inner doubts.

Cheng Xiang from the Earth Plane: Why can hosts from other planes come to my plane? Does this comply with the laws of the system? Will this pose a threat to my personal safety?

Chidori Plane Gull: That’s because someone went to your plane to do a trading mission, which will be a bit bad. However, there will be no influence between hosts. As long as you don't let other hosts enter your space plane farm, they can't do anything to you if they can't find the core!

Cheng Xiang from the Earth Plane: What core? In other words, there is still a possibility that the host may be threatened?

In this case, can she choose to untie herself from the system? It feels too dangerous.

Chidori Plane Gull: The core is the energy core. Because the core is the key to maintaining energy. Under normal circumstances, the host will not devour other people's cores. Someone did that a long time ago, and the system backfired, and both people disappeared from the system. I don’t know the more specific consequences, but the punishment is severe anyway.

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