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☆ 6. Chapter 6font record

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Chapter 6 The more Cheng Xiang looks at it, the more amazing it becomes. You can just do your shopping here in the future. There is no need to worry about being discovered, and the space is like a dreamland.

After looking at the energy coins that had just reached ten figures, Cheng Xiang searched around and found a hoe. It only cost 8 energy coins, so he quickly bought one, fearing that others would be the first to get it if he was slow to start. After the transaction was completed, a brand new hoe appeared at his feet. It was a little small, similar to a flower hoe.

I tried my hand and dug a few rose roses with a hoe. The soil was soft and it was not difficult to dig. However, the rose flowers had thorns that hurt my hands. After digging two trees, many new ones appeared in between, and we got more than ten trees together.

Cheng Xiang only has two pots. Is it possible to throw them away if there are too many? Thinking about it, she felt it was a pity that a pot cost more than ten yuan, which was almost a hundred yuan in total. An idea flashed around the shelves. She had nothing to sell now, so she would try selling this. No one wanted it and she had nothing to lose.

Thinking of her holding rose flowers, meditating on the shelf, the rose image and unit price box appeared, with the default unit price range, 1-15. This was quite smart. Cheng Xiang thought about it and marked it with a 5. After confirming that it was on the shelves, she thought it was quite fun, and the sound of money falling out could be heard in her ears.

So fast!

She quickly opened the shelf, and there was only one transaction record on it.

Nana Shandai from the technological plane bought 13 roses and left behind a bag of energy coins! The account suddenly gained 65 energy coins. This is a very fast way to make money. Opening an online store does not have such a fast order efficiency.

After absorbing the lesson from last time, Cheng Xiang did not go to the plane group chat to express her emotions, but picked up a hoe and planted the remaining roses back. The jujube tree took out a space and placed it under the bed. I wanted to wait for the rose harvest several times to earn some energy coins. The saplings should not die after a day's delay.

People have a bit of a bad streak, and they spend whatever money they want as soon as they have it. Cheng Xiang does not deny that she is a vulgar person. I didn't have energy coins before, so I didn't have the confidence to be cautious when browsing the trading interface. Now that I have a few in my pocket, I can't control the little beast in my heart. I pull it from top to bottom to see enough at one time.

Because there are no categories in it, the previous one is from the primitive plane, and the next one is from the ancient Eastern plane. There are also the Orc plane, the Cultivation plane, the Western Dwarf plane, the Mermaid plane, the Warcraft plane and so on. There are many planes of the same kind, but the culture and environment seem to be slightly different. Although there is competition, this small competition is almost negligible compared with a huge demand group.

After reading it again, she realized why her roses were selling so fast. Those that are less than half of the system's highest estimated value will be marked as special offers, which will be particularly eye-catching when you open them. Unexpectedly, her price was too low.

Cheng Xiang understood the general idea, controlled the hand that wanted to lose the family, and exited the space.

Cheng's father came back in the evening and asked Cheng Xiang about his future plans.

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