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☆ 140. Chapter 140 Marriedfont record

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Chapter 140: Married

Seeing the day pass, Cheng Xiang tossed and turned in the night, unable to sleep, not knowing whether she was excited or anxious. She wanted to call Chu Xu but was afraid of disturbing him, and in such an excited state, she couldn't calm down and meditate.

After entering the space, Cheng Xiang had to find something to do for herself. After walking around for a while, I simply sat in the pavilion, smelling the fragrance of flowers and fruits comfortably while flipping through the transaction interface.

I was surprised to see that Chen Chao had been upgraded and even applied to add her as a friend.

[Not bad, we can finally communicate like this. how did you make it? ]

I asked casually, not expecting him to be online at this time.

Just as Cheng Xiang went to earn energy coins, his friend over there replied with a reminder.

[Forget it, I was heartbroken and burst into tears. Give me some water to increase your friendship points. ]

Cheng Xiang: [Aren’t you sleeping? It's already 11pm here. ]

Chen Chao: [It’s noon here, so I can’t sleep anywhere. I’m so worried! ]

There is also the problem of time difference in different planes. Cheng Xiang thought about it and it seems that this is not a contradiction, just like the reason why the regions are different.

He brought a bucket of water and sent it as a gift, and Chen Chao also received a gift in return. The thing that was produced was like a peanut and about one inch bigger than a peanut. It was also like the surface of the moon, extremely black and ugly.

Looking at the description, the name of this thing is actually Alien Experiment No. 3. Function: Can extinguish fire.

Rubbing her eyes, Cheng Xiang thought for a while that she had made a mistake. Something as big as a plum at such a young age could put out a fire. Just kidding!

But this did not hinder her curiosity, so she lit a small fire and threw Alien No. 3 into it.


The fire exploded. The flames seemed to have encountered carbon dioxide, or were insulated from the itch. The flames gradually weakened and eventually there were no sparks left.

It is smaller than a fire extinguisher and easy to carry. I just don’t know if this thing is poisonous or not. However, it doesn't seem to have much practical significance to her, and it can only be played for fun.

Cheng Xiang put it away in a small box and went back to chat with Chen Chao.

[Have you ever heard of Farm xx? ]

Cheng Xiang found that the word "secret realm" could not be typed, and she was filled with doubts. No wonder no one mentioned the information exchange interface. It turns out that it cannot be sent at all.

[Farm what? My farm is as bare as it is outside. ]

Cheng Xiang guessed that he didn’t know either, so he changed the topic.

[I will get married tomorrow and treat you to a wedding banquet. ]

[congratulations! When the friendliness value is enough, I will give you a few good things. However, can we replace the wine with a feast, no matter what, just rice. Wine is too luxurious. ]

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