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☆ 102. Chapter 102

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Chapter 102

Every night is the busy time for Cheng Xiang and Chu Xu. Now that the days are short, you cant just keep doing it with just two people when the business expands in the future, right?

Yang Zhen has asked her about the source of goods several times, and it has become increasingly difficult to deal with her. After discussing with Chu Xu, Cheng Xiang decided to buy some of the goods he didn't have here first and fill them with native chickens and eggs. In the morning, the goods produced in the space are put into the inner warehouse of the store. The only flaw is that there is no trademark, but it can be covered up for a few days.

Cheng Xiang brought a batch of Qiaoqiao fruits and cut them into pieces. Cheng Xiang mixed the fruits with water and sprinkled them on the vegetable field. The concentration of the mixture was different in each field. She and Chu Xu sowed an acre a day, going back and forth every day, and it only took about ten days to finish. The first batch of freshly harvested ones have sprouted, and the thicker ones have grown two inches deep.

There was little rain in autumn, so the two people sprinkling water did not arouse any special curiosity from others.

During this period, Chu Xu's parents went to Cheng's house to propose marriage. Cheng Xiang and Chu Xu were busy with things, so everything was discussed between the four parents. Somehow, when Cheng Xiang received a call from Cheng's mother, she was told that the wedding date would be in the first month of next year and that she should go home on the 18th and wait for the Chu family to make a decision.

Now that everyone is his, Cheng Xiang won't feel shy anymore, and she still has time to joke with Chu Xu.

"If you dare to change your mind after getting married, I will use a teleportation stone to go to another dimension."

Chu Xu said seriously, "If you say this, I will not dare to let you enter the space in the future."

"What, you still Are you really ready to change your mind?" Cheng Xiang raised his eyebrows.

"How is it possible? You don't know me well?"

He was just worried that one day she would be abducted by space.

Cheng Xiang was happy and didn't worry about it. She ordered a few more fruit seedlings online, bought a batch of flowers, and worked hard to transform the space in detail.

She eliminated old trees and recycled all useless branches and trunks to the system. A dozen fish fry were placed in the Void Spring, and a flower bed was set up next to the warehouse. The flower bed was surrounded by stone paths and plots of land. Not only was she satisfied with growing vegetables, she also grew wheat. However, post-harvest processing was very troublesome, so she put it on the trading interface for sale without threshing.

The money earned from the price difference on the trading interface was used to buy land again and expand the plot to 300 square meters. Fruit trees were planted on the edge, half of the middle was planted with vegetables, and half with soybeans and peanuts. Every time she went into the flower bed where the flowers were blooming, she would be in a wonderful mood.

I simply bought a stone table and set up two stone benches. When I had free time, I came in to drink tea and pick flowers. Looking through books and making gestures to learn martial arts. This method is much more troublesome than practicing. The energy is so ethereal that she can't feel it at all. It's not as good as the spiritual energy, which can be caught a little bit.

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