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☆ 146. Chapter 146font record

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Chapter 146

"Dacheng came back and said that you want to recruit students to teach martial arts?"

Wang Xueqin asked this as a joke. He didn't believe that Cheng Xiang would do such a thing. It didn't match her style. It was more like Dacheng was making fun of the boss.

"What's the problem?" He looked at Wang Xueqin seriously. "You are too old and your bones have been fixed. To exercise, you can learn a few moves and a half, but if you want to improve further, there is no greater possibility."

Unless you have wisdom and a panacea to cleanse the marrow and cut down the bones.

Confused, Wang Xueqin couldn't laugh anymore.

"Are you serious?"

Cheng Xiang tilted his head: "Am I the kind of person who likes to joke?"

Wang Xueqin stuttered: "You, you, you, you know martial arts?"

In good spirits, Cheng Xiang put on his coat I threw it to him and pointed to a relatively open grassy area.

"I'll show you my hands, otherwise you won't think I'm a charlatan?"

Cheng Xiang put up a posture, walked squarely, raised his legs and stretched his feet, his wrists pressed against the airflow, like a dragon walking like a snake, moving in different directions. Even Wang Xueqin, a layman who had only watched TV, could see the extraordinary level of enthusiasm.

There were other residents near the vegetable field. They saw Cheng Xiang dancing from a distance and wondered what kind of show he was doing in the future. When he got closer, he realized that it was boxing, not dancing.

Looking at it from a close distance, it seems like the wind on the fingertips is being patted back and forth. The gleaming look of his muscles and bones made several farmers in the field go crazy.

After a series of punches, a layer of heat surged into the Dantian. Cheng Xiang inhaled and exhaled, then returned to his position, and there was a "papa" applause in his ears.

"You're showing off your embarrassment!" Cheng Xiang clasped his fists and smiled.

"How heavy is your punch?" Wang Xueqin's eyes were different, and he was no more than wagging his tail like someone worshiping a hero.

"I haven't tried it. You can find a place to try it."

As he said that, he saw the big tree next to him and went up to it.

The speed was so fast that I only had time to see the bark flying up, leaving five finger holes in the trunk.

A child ran up, stood on tiptoes and raised his neck to look. He turned his head to look at Cheng Xiang's hand in shock and excitement.

"You don't feel pain?"

Wang Xueqin also stared at his eyes. With such a deep hole in his finger, is his finger not broken?

Cheng Xiang moved his palm and grabbed it easily.

"It doesn't hurt, the tree is very brittle."

Everyone was silent. Even the bold child learned to grab the tree with his bare hands, but he regretted it as soon as he tried hard.

"It's so hard!" He gritted his teeth in pain.

Cheng Xiang laughed and shook her head. She said it was crispy, but it was only compared to the hardness of her body.

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