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☆ 166. Chapter 166 Pollutionfont record

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Chapter 166: With pollution

like that, her chances of victory are higher.

When the landlord and his wife came back, they were surprised to see these dancing children clearing the tables, chairs, dishes, and chopsticks. Although their faces were a little reluctant, they were at least going about their business. Inexplicably, there was a sense of joy.

"Let's talk?"

Su Yi was addicted to cigarettes, and kept rubbing his fingers in his pockets. Except for a change of clothes, electronic communication equipment, and other miscellaneous items, all of them had been confiscated. Later, the items sent by the coach were all purchased together, and there were no options other than daily necessities.

He stood on the corner of the stairs waiting for the four people who came up one after another.

Pei Ye wiped the water stains on his pants with an indifferent expression.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Su Yi took them as their acquiescence.

"Do you want to leave?"

"Oh, I thought I was the only one who thought so." Li Xiaobei smiled wildly. "I'm not interested in this kind of boring game."

Xie Min said, "If you want to talk about this, please forgive me for not accompanying you."

He walked away, and Yun Qing followed suit and said indifferently: "I'm not staying here just to be ridiculous. Bet, but I don’t like to leave in a sneaky way."

The two people’s objections did not make many ripples in the hearts of the three passionate boys. The most important thing in their life creed is their own inner comfort, and they do not cooperate. It just made them lose two boosts in their plan.

"Tomorrow I will find an opportunity to hold off the coach, and you two will take the opportunity to create chaos. I have observed it, and there is a pickup truck second from the back. The driver doesn't like to lock the car, and the key is often left out. Can you drive? "

Su Yi made plans to escape. Except for the fact that he was not familiar with the route here, he linked up the consequences he would encounter and repeatedly did reasoning exercises in his mind to find ways to deal with possible situations.

Li Xiaobei: "I can drive at the age of ten." He raised his chin and showed off his glorious history.

Pei Ye: "Do you think the coach and the master will not catch up?"

"This may be very big, so we have to prepare our moves first. Is there any way to make it too

late for them." Su Yi thought about this for a long time. He had already done this. Considered it.

"Do you have any idea?"

Li Xiaobei didn't bother to use his brain, and listened to Su Yi's confident tone, so he asked naturally.

Pei Ye also looked at Su Yi. Since there was a ready-made plan available, he would of course be more willing to hear the results. In terms of bad deeds other than repelling learning, their common points also overlap to an extremely high value.

Crossing their fingers, the three of them crossed their shoulders and whispered. When they looked up again, everyone's eyes were full of confidence that everything would be done.

After early morning, the temperature drops sharply, which is the time for a good sleep. Wangjia Village was covered with a hazy moonlight. At night, a faint mist arose. The mist condensed into water when it came into contact with the cold leaves. The water droplets "tick" across the veins of the grass stems and fell into the water.

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