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☆ 89. Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

Ms. Huang could no longer maintain the superficial level of kindness. She smiled stiffly and said, "If your boyfriend is sentenced, just get out of my place!"

Hearing this, Cheng Xiang was furious. Tear off the disguise on your face.

"Okay, if he's okay, you can refund the rent to me. I won't live in this place even if you give me a million dollars!"

When it came to Ms. Qian Huang, she was silent and refused to confront her. She just snorted and twisted. Twisting away with her high-end handbag.

It was so unsatisfactory that Cheng Xiang wanted to catch Shi Luo and spank him. But Chu Xu's problem still had to be solved. She took the key and locked the door without thinking about anything.

The Public Security Bureau refused to let her in, but Jiang Kai came out.

"Just wait a minute. I took a look and he doesn't have much of a problem. Now as long as we know the child's statement and who she went out with last night, we can remove the suspicion on him." "

Okay. Thank you, I'll wait for him outside. I believe your police can handle matters fairly." "

You don't have to be so polite, I won't just sit idly by and ignore his affairs."

The relationship between the two is quite good, Cheng Xiang said Chu Xu felt lucky that there were still people he knew. Otherwise, if we really need to investigate thoroughly, some things still cannot withstand scrutiny.

On Lin Miaomiao's side, the child had just come back. Although he had been calmed down by his parents, he kept his mouth closed and was not very willing to talk.

When the two police officers passed by, the child looked at them with resistance.

He Xiaoyan could only ask Qiu Hui, "Are there any injuries on the child?"

Qiu Hui had checked carefully, and she had already changed Lin Miaomiao's clothes.

"No. I'm just not in good spirits."

"Then did she say anything?"

Qiu Hui still shook her head, "I asked her, but she just didn't want to speak. Why don't you come and ask."

They also wanted to find out. What's going on, but seeing the child crying pitifully, I couldn't bear to ask further. I'm afraid she might have a bad experience.

He Xiaoyan put down her pen and tried to walk to Lin Miaomiao. Seeing that she was acting like a little beast on alert and had no other overreactions, He Xiaoyan relaxed and smiled.

"Miaomiao, how did you meet the uncle who sent you back?"

Lin Miaomiao pursed her lips, looked at He Xiaoyan for a while, silently turned to watch TV, and uttered a few words: "Uncle Chu is a good person. "

Qiu Hui and Lin Ze were both surprised. They didn't expect that she didn't come back by herself. Judging from the officer's intention, could it be that he suspected that there was something wrong with the person who sent her back? But what does Miao Miao mean?

Seeing that she was willing to speak, He Xiaoyan quickly struck while the iron was hot.

"Why do you say he is a good person?"

Lin Miaomiao was quiet again, pouted and muttered: "Uncle Chu brought me back."

The confession was correct, He Xiaoyan and the male police officer looked at each other, Chu Xu was suspicious exclude. Now one question remains.

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