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☆ 84. Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

"Gransta clan?" Lin Miaomiao read these words with some difficulty.

"Well, that's my tribe. Our tribesmen all look like this."

Shi Luo stretched his neck proudly as he spoke. "It's a pity that you can't go to our world, otherwise I will take you to see our royal capital."

Miaomiao Ru listened to the fairy tale and was very curious: "Is there a king?"

"Well, our king is the most amazing, She has maintained the peace of all the tribes on the land and saved us from war. Lets not talk about this anymore, Miaomiao, lets play?

Okay! Lin Miaomiao jumped up, and the two of them chased each other in the faint city lights. Chase and catch up.

This area belongs to the suburban development section of the city, where many large storage warehouses have been built. Xiao Dayong is the warehouse gatekeeper here. He got up to check as usual and heard a noise outside. He quickly took an electric shock baton and quietly searched for the sound.

He felt weird when he saw a child in a skirt under the light. Why are there still children staying in this area at this time? It can't be haunted, right?

Then, a thing with harpy legs chased the girl, and Xiao Dayong was so frightened that his eyes almost went straight.

This... what is this?

The big bird also laughed like a child from its mouth, which made Xiao Dayong's cheeks sweat. My mind is a little confused.

Could it be a goblin?

Xiao Dayong wiped his eyes, and there was a war between heaven and man in his heart. If he could get his hands on such a big weird thing, he would be famous tomorrow. But what if there is some magic, wouldn't his life be sealed? No, you have to think again. And that girl, is she a human or a ghost?

"Brother Shiluo, I'm tired, let's go back, shall we?"

Lin Miaomiao was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, and she couldn't help but yawn.

"Okay, come up." Shi Luo squatted down. After Lin Miaomiao sat down, she grabbed her hand and flew out with wings.

Xiao Dayong's mouth was half-open when he saw it, and the greed in his eyes was even more intense.

The two little ones were very happy when they got home and agreed to go out to play tomorrow. The two of them didn't know what happened today, but someone had already watched the whole process.

Cheng Xiang started groping at dawn in the morning. Afraid of waking Chu Xu, she didn't even turn on the light. She quietly entered the space to get the tricycle and pushed the tricycle out gently.

After she left, the bedroom door opened. Chu Xu stood there stiffly, pressing his heart, and kept playing the scene in his mind of Cheng Xiang disappearing and reappearing with a tricycle. He wanted to tell himself that it was all a dream, but the wheel marks on the ground couldn't deceive anyone.

He patted his head to get rid of the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

He couldn't think that it was enough as long as she was still Cheng Xiang...

This morning, he was destined to be unable to concentrate on anything.

Cheng Xiang, who didn't know she had been exposed, went to the vegetable market with a cart full of vegetables. This time, her stall was fine and no one was using it.

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