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☆ 47. Chapter 47font record

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Chapter 47

"Isn't your date decided a long time ago?" Cheng Xiang calmed down and remembered that Cheng's mother had mentioned it to herself before.

Cheng Xiu: "Your sister-in-law's relatives couldn't make it together, so I just responded a few days ago and moved the date forward to National Day."


Cheng Xiang's chin almost dropped. It's less than half a month before the National Day. It's almost as fast as we can get married in such a hurry.

"Home..." Cheng Xiu was about to ask her to go back with him, but Cheng Xiang interrupted with a wave of his hand.

"I have something to do. I'll go back to help on the weekend."

Cheng Xiu glanced at her but didn't say anything.

After leaving him to have dinner, Cheng Xiu said there was still something else to do, so Cheng Xiang sent him downstairs.

Those who are in a hurry have all been squeezed into this month. The big event of her second brother's wedding would definitely not happen if she didn't go back. No matter what, she had to show up three days in advance.

Cheng Xiang returned to the space, put away the dishes, looked at the astonishing rise in Sanqi, and smiled. The time flow rate of red soil seems to be twice that of gray soil, which means that it takes two days to almost reach the standard of seven years and thirty-seven years. She is not prepared to do anything too amazing. She will be satisfied if she sells 20 or 25 pigs.

The key to making money is to find out what's missing on the transaction interface. Just as Cheng Xiang opened it and was about to start buying and selling, a picture of Tridacna's goods appeared in front of his eyes. Cheng Xiang's heart trembled. She didn't even look at the price and started buying like crazy.

There was a "boom" in the space, followed by several more "bang bang bang" sounds, and there were several behemoths at Cheng Xiang's feet.

And a certain mermaid in the mermaid plane saw her useless waste being bought by others, and excitedly flapped her fish tail in the water.

Cheng Xiang was confused, looking at the "big clam shells" that were big enough to fit her in, feeling ecstatic and then extremely worried.

She just wanted to grab one, and didn't want to buy so many. Now her originally small space was taken up by these things, and the vegetable patch was almost affected. She checked her account again and saw that the gold coins in it were less than 20,000. She couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, not knowing whether she was crying or laughing.

No wonder she snatched so much at once, she might just be considered a "rotten cabbage" by others!

How to deal with it? Cheng Xiang looked dazed. How about laying out some quilts and making a clam bed? You might wake up with a bad face!

When pinching her face, Cheng Xiang looked like a lunatic, laughing and crying. This day was so exciting, I felt like I was dying.

When it got dark, Cheng Xiang finished his meal and took the keys to find the Gransta family of three.

At this time, Chu Xu was arriving in a car to give Cheng Xiang a big surprise. Every second felt like it was taking a very long time. Thinking of Cheng Xiang's expression soon, it felt like a piece of candy melted in his heart.

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