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☆ 137. Chapter 137font record

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Chapter 137

After I finished my anger, I felt sad and then calmed down for a while. She only had a few days at home, and she couldn't see them and didn't have much time to spend with them. Wuzi was silent for a moment and then changed his tone: "I've been too stressed these days. I'll go back to my room and take a rest."

No one said anything, and Cheng Xiang returned to the bedroom upstairs.

Looking at this palm-sized place, she felt that she was no longer as sad as when she first came back. Just like a person who has traveled a long way and visited countless places, staying there is not where she wants to stay. For her, getting married is more like changing a place and going on a long trip.

I took off my heavy coat, uncovered the quilt and lay on the bed, trying to close my eyes and fall asleep, but the more I slept, the more I woke up. Crossing her legs, Cheng Xiang simply sat down and picked up her phone to initiate a video call.

Xiang Xiaoan's hand speed was extremely fast. As soon as Cheng Xiang pressed the button, she connected. Cheng Xiang was confused for a moment.

"What are you doing, your hands are so fast!"

Xiang Xiaoan yelled over there: "Grabbing red envelopes, oh, there are many people in the company's anchor group, the agent boss, giving out red envelopes, and I just grabbed 58 yuan! It’s coming again, it’s coming again, I’ll grab another one... Oops, it’s all gone in five seconds, do you have one left for me?”

Cheng Xiang touched his chin as there was such entertainment.

"Should I also give out red envelopes to my employees?"

The people who were eager to grab the red envelopes paused: "What are you talking about? You want to give out red envelopes to your employees, count me in, I am a free spokesperson ."

For the friend who calmed down to listen to her because of the red envelope, is it better to capsize the boat of friendship?

Before Cheng Xiang could say anything sarcastic to her, she lowered her voice to Xiao An, looked around furtively, and then said with a guilty conscience: "My dear, let me tell you something."

Cheng Xiang: "You are secretly hiding behind Huo Xun's back. Are you alive?"

Xiang Xiaoan couldn't stand the joking argument at all: "Is it easy for others to steal from him? What's wrong with that?"

She was speechless, her mind was too anxious. He actually came up with the magical concept that Huo Xun is a thief.

"Hey, I'm telling you, don't tell anyone. You can think of this for me."

Xiang Xiaoan picked at his neck and scratched his hair. This look of panic and inability to calm down was not common in this carefree man. . Cheng Xiang couldn't help but arouse half of his curiosity.

"Tell me, I'll check the details for you. Anyway, I'm your second mother..."

"I'm pregnant!"

The last words broke in her throat, and Cheng Xiang wanted to sit on the ground and turn to stone.

Xiang Xiaoan was trapped in his own thoughts and continued to say hesitantly: "What should I do? Doubao has just started kindergarten. I was in a car accident last time. I don't know if the potion will have any effect. I want to follow you." Mom said, she will definitely scold me like a bitch."

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