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☆ 48. Be famous

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The residents who were famous for

queuing outside didn't know what was going on inside the store. They could only stand on tiptoes and look into the store with their hands on the backs of the half-insect people in front of them.

"They seem to be pushing each other because of the food in their hands." The residents standing in the front reported in real time to the half-insect people in the back who could not see the excitement.

What kind of food will make your guests push you? There are half-insect people in the back who dont believe it.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this half-insect man is really worthless. Such a big guy can't push someone who is a bit thinner than him. In the end, he even shamelessly snatches the food from people's hands."

"Oh, such a dog?"

"Isn't that right?"

The residents at the back were really curious. Just listening to the people in front of them could no longer satisfy them, so they all started to step out of the line and push forward as hard as they could.

A swarm of people crowded in front of the store, making it impossible for the customers inside to get out, and they couldn't squeeze in either.

The round-faced half-insect man in the store not only has to keep away the customers who are fighting for food, but also has to keep order in the queue and help get the goods. He is so busy that he is as big as two people.

Unable to hold back his anger any longer, he slapped the counter of the store, causing the basket on the counter to tremble. "That's enough. If the noise continues, the store will be closed. No more sales today."

I don't know . Whether it was the sound of slapping or the words of the round-faced, half-insect man, all the noisy residents shut their mouths.

The big guy who was fighting for the hot sauce in the opponent's hand also froze in place. This moment of pause allowed the opponent to seize the opportunity, and he quickly took back his stuff from the big guy's hand.

Seeing that the shop finally calmed down, the round-faced half-insect man also let out a long sigh of relief. This was the first time he got angry at a customer. He touched his chest and felt the rapid rise and fall of his chest. Even now, his heart is still pounding. .

After re-arranging the order and taking as much as required according to the rules, when the store returned to its previous atmosphere, the round-faced, half-insect man was as tired as if he had aged ten years.

Fortunately, the boss won't stay in one place forever. If he was always as noisy as today, he would definitely be short-lived.

This time he no longer answered the guests' questions patiently. When he encountered a guest who kept asking questions repeatedly, the round-faced, half-insect man kicked him out without mercy.

The man was still cursing when he was kicked out of the store.

The round-faced, half-insect man said to him expressionlessly: "From today on, our store prohibits this customer from entering the store to make purchases. He will be kicked out every time he sees it."

This was the first time I saw a customer kicked out by the store, and residents lined up. They craned their necks to look at this man in wonder.

The guest who was exposed to the public gaze got up and looked around, looking at him, talking to others, and even some residents laughed out loud.

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