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☆ 113. Site selection

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When Xie Xingzhu saw Weihuo's name appearing on the task prompt when selecting a site , he felt as if he was in another world.

"It turns out I haven't played games for a week."

I still remember that last time he left in a hurry without having a good chat with Weihuo.

Xie Xingzhu looked at his parents who were trying on sun protection clothes in the living room, said hello casually and went to the bedroom.

After falling asleep for a few seconds, he arrived at Wusen Town.

"Huh? It's already spring here."

Flying high in the sky, Xie Xingzhu's view was wider. He could see green mountains and forests everywhere. The half-insect people walking on the streets took off their bulky cotton-padded clothes and put on light spring sweaters. .

The residents who usually walked around in a hurry and looked gloomy now had happy smiles on their faces.

These are all changes after coming to Wusen Town from Weiho.

Since many residents brought vegetables to sell in surrounding towns, Wusen Town's reputation in Fifth Star has been growing rapidly.

Many foreign residents who came here because of the reputation did not want to leave after arriving in Wusen Town.

Therefore, Wusen Town now has several more hotels.

Viho was also planning to open a hotel of his own at this time.

At nine o'clock in the morning, after eating breakfast cooked by Viho, Johel and Udic followed Viho to the restaurant to discuss things with happy faces.

Ten minutes later, Weihuo tapped his fingers on the table and asked, "Where do you think this hotel should be located?"

After saying that, Yohel cleared his throat and immediately replied: "This hotel must be opened in the center of the town, where it is the most prosperous. "

Needless to say, Brother Huo, Wudiqi and I also noticed that the number of foreign residents coming to Wusen Town for shopping and eating has increased a lot recently. We also saw a newly opened hotel on this street before, where The residents' mental outlook, food and clothing are very different from those of the residents of Wusen Town. From the looks of it, they are foreign residents who are not short of gold coins." "

And our street is not even the center of the town, and the business of the hotel is... It's so popular, we have to take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm to make preparations in the center of the town."

Viho did not put forward any opinions on this, but looked at Udic.

Since leaving Udic behind, he has sold the extra fruits and vegetables in the growing area to towns further away.

Being able to sell hundreds of kilograms of fruits and vegetables in such a short period of time is not only due to the freshness and effectiveness of the ingredients, but also due to Udic's outstanding personal ability.

So he wanted to hear his opinion.

Udicchi thought for a while: "I think there should be a lot of residents who open hotels in the center of the town."

"According to the days I went to other towns to sell goods and my experience with the people who came to Wusen Town recently. Observation shows that the life of most half-insect people is quite frugal and even poor, even in a town with a much better living standard than Wusen Town." "

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