The First Ex!

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Soon It was the beginning of your first show with the sex bomb-ombs and Ramona had showed up to see the Show since you Invited her as then you all Began to Play A Song you had come up with.

Kim: Alright Let's Go!! 1!! 2!! 3!! 4!!


Ramona watched from the Crowd as you Sang and she smiled.

Ramona: (Thoughts) He's actually really Good, I really like this.

Just then she spotted someone in the Crowd walking towards you and she recognized them.

Ramona: Oh No.

Ramoan then ran over trying to stop them but then...


They then sent A Mystical Blue fireball at you but you just ate it!

???: W-What?

Y/n: Tasty! Alright, now who are you?

Mattew: Me? I'm Mattew Patel and I am Ramona's First Boyfriend! Master of Mystical Arts!

Mattew Patel (He was Ramona's First Boyfriend from Middle school/ He is A Master of Mystical arts and he is Pretty Much A Narcissistic Ass/ He gets stronger the more confident he gets)

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Mattew Patel (He was Ramona's First Boyfriend from Middle school/ He is A Master of Mystical arts and he is Pretty Much A Narcissistic Ass/ He gets stronger the more confident he gets)

Y/n: ... Scott?

Scott: Yeah?

Y/n: Get everyone out of here. This is going to be Nasty.

Scott: Right! Everyone out of here!

Knives: Good Luck Y/n!

Kim: Kick his ass.

They all got away as Ramona stood by the Sidelines wanting to step in, in case anything bad happened, and You stood in front of Mattew with A Scowl on your Face.

Y/n: Okay What do you want? Are you with the Evil Exes?

Mattew: Well I Guess the Cat's out of the Bag, but it doesn't Matter! I shall beat- AGH! MY NOSE!

You had Punched him in the Face.

Mattew: How dare you-!? GAH!

You then Punched him again.

Mattew: Would you stop that!? I- GAH!!

You did it once again.

Mattew: Would you stop!?

Y/n: Shouldn't you be Dodging?

Mattew: Oh That's what They said- GAH! YOU BROKE IT THIS TIME!

Y/n: You done Yet?

Mattew: Not Yet!

He then Generated two extra arms out of Mystical blue energy as he then tried to attack you but you easily dodged it!

Mattew: Huh!?

Y/n: Observation Haki, Bitch.

Mattew then tried to Punch you but you then Kicked him right between the Legs!

Mattew: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! My Tenders...

He then fell flat on his Face.

Y/n: Fight People your own Size, Shrimp.

You then Picked up your Guitar back up and thnakfully nobody got hurt besided Mattew.

Y/n: Alright sorry about the Interrption You Know Fans! Anyways Lets Kick it up A Notch!

You gave the rest of the Band the signal and they all walked back on stage. Ramona then took A Deep breath and smiled.

Ramona: (Thoughts) You Know what, I Know he can Handle them now. Hopefully the others won't be much tougher.

But Yeah they will continue to get tougher and Tougher until the very End, But that's Nothing for You.

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