Chapter 380. Eve's Frustration

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                                                                            Eve Minerva Point Of View

" Welcome back, Princess."

Daisy, my Personal Maid greeted me as I made my return to the Royal Palace in Kristalbaum, the Capital City of Alfheim. In the Ancient Tongue that was lost to time, the word meant " crystal tree", it's quite fitting if you were to look at the tree behind the Royal Palace, a great tree has stood there since our people can remember. While it might not look like a crystal, I can promise anyone that it's durability can easily compete with diamonds. There have been tales of great invaders attempting to cut the tree, a symbol of our people, down. Only to fail each time, there's even tales of the tree breaking whatever weapons were used against it. The Great Tree has stood the test of time and has remained strong and is still standing to this day, just like our people. The reason I brought this all up, was the fact that I was currently in the garden looking at the Great Tree as I was immediately given a written order by my Father to come to the garden. Daisy was the first to greet me as I arrived outside.

" Hello, Daisy, are you aware why I was brought here?"

" Unfortunately, no, Princess. All that I'm aware of is that he's been in a cheerful mood since yesterday."

 " I see..."

" Please, take a seat here, Princess Eve."

Daisy pulled out a chair for me after answering my question, the fact she didn't know somewhat irritated me, I'm not irritated at Daisy, just at the fact that I'm being commanded to spend time here in the garden without a reason. A war is going to start soon, and I'm being commanded to stare at flowers, now is not the time to appreciate nature and its beauty, it's time to prepare the body and mind for the battles to come, not spend time admiring the Great Tree. Looking around, I could see that I wasn't the only one here in the garden. My Brothers were here as well, they were also sitting near me, we were all given our own table for our personal servants to sit with, for me, only Daisy was with me, so the round white table I was sitting at had quite a few seats open. Mother was sitting at the Royal Table in the garden, a place for the Royal Family to sit when we have parties in the garden. Along with my family, most of the bigger names of the military were also here... The 10 Great Elves, as well as The High Elf Blades. Both great and prestigious groups to be a part of, made up of the finest warriors in Alfheim who've proven to be Masters over different forms of combat and strategy. The only difference between the groups was the fact that the Great Elves were all True Born Nobles while the High Elf Blades were commoners who've risen through the ranks of the military through hard work and genuine talent to become Nobles in their own right. This begs the question to me however, why are we, the Princess and Princes, sitting where the Lesser Nobility and military leaders would sit? Eventually, after around 10 minutes of me stewing in frustration at the questions I had, which had no answers, I could hear the sound of footsteps approaching, it sounded like there were 8 people coming towards us. Once the footsteps and gotten closer, I could see that my guess was correct. My Father and 7 of his Royal Guards had finally arrived in the garden. Just as Daisy said, I could see that my Father was quite happy.

" Ah! Kids! Good to see everyone is here! I've got some great news today! However, my news pales in comparison to the news your Mother has!"

My Father quickened his steps and sat down at the center of the table to the right of my Mother. Where an Elf King is supposed to sit. Together they looked like the perfect Noble Elf couple. Both having long blonde hair and deeply green eyes. Father looking dashingly handsome as well as Mother wearing a form fitting, demure white dress that showed her slim figure, the envy of most High-Ranking Noblewomen here in Alfheim. It made me somewhat jealous as well, since I've seemed to have taken more to my Father's family genes, my chest and buttocks stuck out quite farther than my Mother's own body. But I shouldn't dwell on something like that, I should focus on why it was that we were called here.

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