Chapter 435. Chills From All Around

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/ Woosh!/

" Woah! It really is cold here!"

" We told you."

We arrived in Bestia and immediately, the chill that entered my body was crazy, it was like stepping into a freezer. The only thing besides the chill that was on my mind was the feeling I just experienced.

" Well... That feels slightly different than with Paula."

I mumbled my thoughts out as I quickly readjusted my recently turned white gloves thanks to Aqua. Speaking of which, her voice entered my ears quite quickly. Not just that, but the pride she felt about the subject was palpable.

" Of course it does! It's a different spell all together! I only used the Dark Pixies as a reference when making the spell... Well, I also used that thought exercise as well."

" Oh, I'm glad that helped you out. Granted, it took me years to figure out what exactly the folded paper represented, but once you really get it, it all makes sense... Kinda. Isn't that right, Warrick? Oh... I should be calling you King Warrick now, right?"

" There's no one here, so we're fine for now. Also, don't involve me with that whole paper thing, that's too much for me. I can't even use that kind of spell anyways, so I'll stick to governing."

Aqua and I were commenting about the difference in our transportation spells. It was somewhat different, going through Paula's warp was more like stepping through a window. Aqua's spell feels more like you're stepping through a puddle of some kind. I'd imagine it'd have to do with the fact that Aqua's spell uses the explanation for wormholes using paper. I'm assuming that it must have something to do with that, but I guess to really know, I'd need to know the principle behind Paula's ability and the principles that Aqua's spell uses to operate... That sounds like way too much work for me though.

" You're not the only one Father... I still don't quite grasp the idea..."

" That's because you take after me, Cyn."

Ah, it looks like Warrick and Cynthia are alike in some ways... or at least that's what Warrick says. I can see it, Sarah and Aqua are far more expressive than Warrick and Cynthia... Granted, after knowing them for a few years, it is easy to tell how their feeling from their general demeanor. Also, they seem to share that strange quirk of wanting to either beat me up or something worse if they're worried about me in some way.

" What? It's not that hard? The paper just represents space, you know?"

" Yeah."

" See? They're almost too much alike. It's why we thought we'd need you and your brothers to contain her if she ever went too crazy. But now John's here, so it should be alright, I think?"

" You don't sound so sure Father?"

" Well, the whole kidnapping incident told me that we're more alike than I thought. The entire reason I became King is because I thought it was the best way to marry your mother, you know? I know we both can be hot headed when the chips are down. It's going to take some time to tame that side of you, I'm pretty much in control for the most part. I don't even remember the last time I lost myself."

Warrick seemed to begin to lecture Cynthia about their shared quirks. Before that though, pointing out how Sarah's a bit... Erratic... Why do I feel like he's just dumping that responsibility onto me? Besides, Sarah and Anna both did really great while I was kidnapped. Keeping a cool head like they did must've been really hard, I'm sure Sarah's grown since she married me, I mean, she gained the Calamity Job because of an influx of emotions when we fought the Hero Party, but ever since Zana, she's been well controlled in her emotions, she's yet to slip from what I've seen and if she did, it would've been when I was kidnapped, but she stayed in control.

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