Altair X Reader (Modern)

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I wake up to my alarm on my phone going of, which was playing (F/S). I'm starting to rethink my song choice, because I'm starting to like less and less every time I wake up to it. I hear my mom walk up the stairs and she opens my door.

"(Y/N) get up, it's a school day remember," mom says. I groan.

"Mom, can I just skip for one day?! Please!" I plead to her. But she only shakes her head.

"What's the matter? I thought you liked school," mom says.

Yeah I liked school until this guy named Altair moved here. When he moved here, and started coming to my school I though he was handsome, but I quickly realized he was just so arrogant. The worst thing about Altair is that he just won't leave me alone.

But my mother sternly looks at me. I sigh and reluctantly get up from bed. I grab a (F/C) shirt, black skinny jeans, and I put on my grey boots. I go to my bathroom and I brush my (H/L) (H/C) hair.

I go down stairs and make myself a bowl of cereal. I eat quickly, then I grab my backpack, and I walk to my car, and drive myself to school.

Once I get to school, I park in my usual spot near the entrance. I walk inside and I go to my locker and I put in my combination. I grab my Biology textbook, and I head towards Biology.

I see my friend (F/N) and I go and sit by her. I smile.

"Hey, (F/N)," I say. She looks up at me and nods.

"I heard that, because of the classes misbehavior on Friday, Miss Roberts is putting us in a signed seats in boy/girl order," (F/N) says.

"Uggg, just because of other peoples dumb decisions, the good kids have to suffer through it!" I nearly yell. Then Miss Roberts walks into the room.

"Okay class quiet down, now since you all unbearable last Friday you leave me in no choice in putting you in a signed seats," she says and everyone in class groaned. Miss Roberts started naming off our new seats, "(Y/N) (L/N)," I sigh and walk up to my new seat. She points to the seat right next to mine, "Altair La Ahad,"

Altair did she say 'Altair' the person I hate the most. I turn around and see (F/N) smirking at me I glare at her. Altair comes and sits down next to me. He nods at me, I give him a fake smile. He wears his white hoodie with blue jeans. Miss Roberts gives me our assignment, and I start working on it.

I glance over at Altair and see that he is struggling a little. Being the nice person that I am I decide to help him.

"Do you need any help on that?" I ask him. Altair looks at me and smiles.

"Yes, I don't understand any of this stuff that our teacher teaches us," Altair says and I laugh a little, liking him a bit more, "I don't even know what possessed me to take this class,"

"Well at least you got stuck with a smart person," I say. Altair laughs. I guess I was wrong about him. I help him with the assignment and I think he is starting to get some of this stuff. Once class is over I grab my backpack and I walk out of class. Altair follows me.

"By the way, thanks again for the help," he says. I smile.

"Oh, it's really no problem," I say. Altair looks a little nervous. I smile, "What is it Altair?"

"I - I was wandering if y- you would like to go out sometime?" Altair says nervously.

"You mean like a date?" I ask. He nods.

"Sort off, y - yes," Altair says. I smile.

"I would like that,"

Okay so how was my first one shot. Was it good, was it terrible. Vote, comment.

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