Father Shay X Mother Reader (Modern)

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Very first day of school. A mother's worst nightmare. My little girl is starting her very first day of pre-school.

My daughter, Anna, sits in the back seat of Shay's car in her pink car seat. She was only four and going to pre-school. Shay has told me repeatedly that it was normal for children her age to start school. But I just can't bear to let her go just yet.

I have begged Shay to hold off school for just this year. But he convinced me that it wouldn't be fair to her. And he was right.

I look at our little girl. She has his dark brown hair and my (E/C) eyes. She held her Invader Zim  backpack close to her tiny form.

She was smiling and looking out the car window. Her long dark brown was tied into a side braid. Some locks of her hair fell loosely on the sides of her face.

Once a stoplight turns red Shay looks at me and he put at hand on my knee. I look at him. His browns eyes look into my (E/C) orbs.

"(Y/N), she will be fine," Shay whispers. I sigh and I place my hand ontop of his.

"I just can't bear to let her go just yet," I whisper to him. The light then turns green and Shay continues to drive.

Every passing minute the anxiety eats me up. But then after another five minutes Shay pulls up to the pre-school. Both me and Shay get out of the car. Shay opens the back door to let Anna out. Shay unhooked her car seat and he lifted her from the seat.

Shay holds our daughter in his arms, "Ready for your first day of school, sweetheart," Anna nods her head.

"Yeah," she answers in her tiny voice. Shay kisses her tiny nose and she giggles. Shay then puts her down on the ground. Anna then places her tiny little hand in mine.

At the front of the pre-school there was a fenced in playground  with slides, swings, a jungle gym, and monkey bars. There were kids playing in the playground. We entered the playground where the other parents were saying goodbye to there children.
I saw one little boy clinging to his mother and begging her not to go.

I knelled down in front of Anna. I held her hands in mine. I sniffle, trying not to cry.

"Honey, I know this might be scary to you. You know me and Daddy having to leave you hear for a few hours. But I can promise you that there is nothing to be......" I start to say my speech just in case she started crying.

"Okay, bye Mommy, bye Daddy," Anna says nonchalantly. She then runs off to play with a group of girls. I kneel on the ground shocked, wide-eyed.

I couldn't believe that just happened. Shay started laughing. I glare at him. He stops laughing.

"Babe, I told you she would be okay," Shay tells me. We then start walking back to the car. Shay wraps his arm around my waist.

"That was not the reaction I was hoping for," I tell him while pouting. Shay sighs and he kisses my forhead, "But I guess it is better than her kicking and screaming," Shay chuckles.

"So, what should we do with our freetime?" Shay asks me. I smile. Freetime, now that is something that I hadn't had in a long while. I smirk.

"What do you supose we do?" I ask him. Shay chuckles again as he opens the passenger side door for me and I get in. Shay then gets in the drivers seat.

He puts the keys in the ignition and we drive away from the school. To keep my mind of Anna reminisce with Shay.

"Shay, remember our first date?" I ask him. Shay glances at me.

"You mean the one where I took you on a picnic under a tree and a swarm of bees came after us?" Shay asks me and smile while giggling, "That was horrible,"

"Yeah," I agree.

"So what do you want to do today?" Shay asks me. I shrug.

"Stay home and relax," I tell him. Shay glances at me.

"Home it is," Shay says with a grin on his face. I smirk and I kiss his cheek. We then continue on home where we would enjoy the most relaxing day we had in a long time.

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